business law

business law

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Discuss why a High Court decision that a recently enacted statute is unconstitutional would be seen by a government as a more serious set-back to its legislative reform programme than a decision by a judge of a State Supreme Court interpreting the meaning of a key provision in the statute in a manner contrary to the Government’s intentions, as demonstrated by the speech of the responsible Minister when he/she introduced the proposed legislation to Parliament.

Discuss why a High Court decision that a recently enacted statute is unconstitutional would be seen by a government as a more serious set-back to its legislative reform programme than a decision by a judge of a State Supreme Court interpreting the meaning of a key provision in the statute in a manner contrary to the Government’s intentions, as demonstrated by the speech of the responsible Minister when he/she introduced the proposed legislation to Parliament.

.    Research:& ?
•    You must reference the essay in accordance with the Australian Guide to Legal Citation (AGLC). Marks will be deducted should you use the Harvard referencing style or any other referencing style. ?
•    A bibliography must be provided.

.    The Essay must have an introduction and conclusion. ?
.    Please refer to the Marking Rubric to ensure you follow the guidelines
Carefully to avoid losing marks for unnecessary mistakes and omissions. The  Mark will reflect an assessment of style, structure and the content.

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