Business Ethical and Corporate Social Responsibility
Business Ethical and Corporate Social Responsibility
Order Description
Instructions – Step 1
Pick a firm or industry that you find interesting and has one or more the following properties:
• You have access to data (annual reports, news articles, other information)
• You have personal experience with (now or previously)
• Has made recent strategic decisions of ethical interest
Instructions – Step 2
In your paper, you should consider the actions taken by the firm and its management, decisions made, and the ethics involved. You may (and should) consider and discuss
the ethics from many angles (e.g., different stakeholders), but you should choose one overarching ethical framework to explore the case thoroughly. I suggest adopting
a utilitarian, Kantian or contractarian view, but you may use others if you feel you are on firm ground. You may include (but are not limited to) discussion regarding:
• Stakeholder impacts (on/from the firm)
• Rights and duties
• Ethical outcomes and logical expectations from your ethical approach
• Power accumulation and financial impacts
• Justice, equality and minority rights
• Regulation and other governmental agency involvement
• Corporate social responsibility or triple bottom line
• Sustainability
• Management or cultural or societal inputs to ethics (social pressure, greed, cultural norms, etc.)
• Incentives (or mis-incentives)
Other style expectations:
• No cover page please – simply put your name and student ID# at the top of the first page
• Use a short title that includes the name of the firm, centered, directly beneath your name/ID
• Number all pages (bottom right)
• Use Times New Roman font, 11 or 12 point, with 1” margins on all sides
• Use good grammar; no misspellings or significant English mistakes
• Avoid contractions (don’t = do not, doesn’t = does not)
• Use first person (I, we) as needed, but don’t overuse. For example, you should say, “I consider this firm a prime example of high ethical culture.” Do not say, “This
firm is considered a prime example…” Avoid “I believe” or “I think” statements unless you are backing up with data or quotes or argument for WHY you believe this.
• Cite sources using footnote references
• Avoid excessive quotation, and do not “borrow” text from other sources, especially online sources