Business Analysis

What the Playing Field Looks Like Now
 Who are the competitors in this business, large and small, new and old?
 Who has what share, globally and in each market? Where do we fit in?
 What are the characteristics of this business? Is it commodity or high value or somewhere in between? Is it long cycle or short? Where is it on the growth curve? What are the drivers of profitability?
 What are the strengths and weaknesses of each competitor? How good are their products? How much does each one spends on R & D? How big is each sales force? How performance-driven is each culture?
 Who are this business’s main customers, and how do they buy?

Slide Two
What the Competition Has Been Up To
 What has each competitor done in the past year to change the playing field?
 Has anyone introduced game-changing new products, new technologies, or a new distribution channel?
 Are there any new entrants, and what have they been up to in the past year?

For the 2-page Word doc.
Answer each question separately. The format should be as:

What the Playing Field Looks Like Now
 Who are the competitors in this business, large and small, new and old?
 Who has what share, globally and in each market? Where do we fit in?
 What are the characteristics of this business? Is it commodity or high value or somewhere in between? Is it long cycle or short? Where is it on the growth curve? What are the drivers of profitability?
 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
 What are the strengths and weaknesses of each competitor? How good are their products? How much does each one spends on R & D? How big is each sales force? How performance-driven is each culture?
 Who are this business’s main customers, and how do they buy?

What the Competition Has Been Up To
 What has each competitor done in the past year to change the playing field?
 Has anyone introduced game-changing new products, new technologies, or a new distribution channel?
 Are there any new entrants, and what have they been up to in the past year?

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