methodology chapter 3,4,5
Congratulations! You concept paper has been approved! All the
suggestions made by Dr. Stephenson should now be made in the proposal
as you refine what you have done as a concept and move on to the next
phase. Follow the guidelines in the qualitative template, the
Dissertation Guide, the NSU Style Guide, and APA 6th – edition as you
write your proposal. It is important to clearly delineate all
categories in the literature review as Dr. Stephenson wishes outlined
as that will make getting approval much easier and streamline the
process. Remember to separate the Historical context from the
conceptual concept, add to the body of resarch, lay out the search
engines and descriptors that you used, write a rationale, and any of
the other suggestions that were made.
When you write Chapter 3, make sure you identify how you will measure
each of your research questions and try to add as much substance to
your study as possible.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.
I received Dr. Stephenson’s review and he still had some concerns
regarding Chapter 2. He definitely wants you to set it up in the
fomrat recommended in the Dissertation Manual. He copied the following
from the manual:
“For Chapter 2, I need to see the delineations for writing this
Chapter addressed as is
delineated in the Template for Writing a qualitative research, namely:
Chapter 2: Literature Review
The literature review should contain the following elements: (a) a
discussion of the theoretical or conceptual framework within which the
study will be grounded; (b) a synthesis of the findings in a
?state-of-knowledge? summary in regard to the problem area, including
additional evidence as to the nature and the importance of the
phenomenon; (c) a clear discussion of how further research should
extend, differ from, or replicate past studies, including the
identification of critical variables in the problem area and important
questions to be tested; (d) an indication of shortcomings that
should be avoided in the design of prior research, as well as
strengths to be repeated in conducting another study; and (e) a
critique of the literature as a basis for any controversial
methodological decisions to be presented in the proposal.
I did not see where these were addressed. Need her to revisit
Chapter 2 and addressed these.
Remember the FORMAT for Chapter 2:
Historical Context
Experiential Context
Research Question
Chapter 3: Methodology
Aim of the Study
This section should include a brief description of the general aim of the study.
This section should include the following elements: (a) the participants should be defined, consistent with the Purpose Statement and the Research Questions (this should also include demographic information such as age, gender, and ethnicity); and (b) discuss the type of non-probability purposive sampling technique used (e.g., expert or heterogeneity sampling).
The Procedures section will be based directly on the research questions (central and subquestions). Specifically, this is the ?how-to? section of the study and will introduce the design (e.g., ethnographic approach and critical design) of the research and how the data will be collected based on the questions of interest. The nature of procedure for qualitative research is usually non-linear, so take this into account while writing this section.
Strategies of inquiry. This section should include the following:
? Indentify the specific strategy of inquiry to be used (e.g., narrative, phenomenology, case study, ethnographic).
? Provide some background information about the strategy (i.e., discipline origin, applications of and brief definition of it).
? Discuss the intended outcome from this type of strategy.
? Discuss the source of this strategy.
? Discuss why it?s an appropriate strategy.
? Identify how the use of this strategy will shape the type of questions asked, the form of data collection, the steps and data analysis, and the final narrative.
Data collection procedures. This section should include a brief description and framework for the data recording protocol that will be used to answer the research questions. While writing, keep in mind that the plan will be flexible. This section should include a discussion about participants and the site including
? The setting
? The actors (who will be interviewed)
? The events (what will the actors will be observed or interviewed doing)
? The process (the evolving nature of events undertaken by the actors within the setting)
? Indicate the type or types of data to be collected (e.g., focus groups, observational, interviews, documents, audio and visual material).
o Be specific about the types and the strengths and weaknesses of each type
Instruments. If an established instrument will be utilized then this section will detail each data-collection instrument. The relevant information pertaining to each instrument should include the source or developers of the instrument and any other salient information.
Data Analysis
Name the steps involved in conducting an analysis of qualitative data. Describe how the data will be organized and transcribed. Discuss the coding procedures of the transcripts or text files. Discuss the any specific qualitative software you will use for your analysis. Develop a detailed qualitative description. Check the accuracy of your findings and interpretation and include the following:
? Member checking: Asking members to check the accuracy of the account
? Triangulation: Using corroborating evidence
Chapter 4: Findings
Findings are discussed according to the approach and design.
Example Approaches:
? Grounded Theory
? Ethnographic
? Narrative
? Phenomenology
Example Designs:
? Systematic
? Emerging
? Constructivist
? Realist
? Critical
? Case Study
? Descriptive
? Explanatory
? Existential
? Transcendental
? Hermeneutic
For instance, in grounded theory, the aim is generation of theoretical constructs. In this section, then, you would have findings from the process of:
? Memo writing
? Theoretical sampling
? Sorting
? Saturation
? The review of literature
? Developing the theory
With ethnographic, the findings may be reported in a smooth, flowing description narrative. The aim of the narrative is to portray the full context, to the extent possible, which was discovered by exploring pieces of reality and/or experience. Review of other sources, such as literature, are, and films is a plus.
With phenomenology, the findings will be reported differently. An example might include:
? A description of experiential themes
? A description of the essences of experience
? A description of relationships among essences
? A review of other sources (literature, are, films)
Chapter 5: Discussion
While you write this section incorporate the following: (a) preconceptions and ideas as discussed in your introduction, (b) existing literature and practice in the area of study, and (c) the utilization of the method.
? Meanings and understandings
? Implication of the study
? Relevance of the study
Integrate the following:
? Significance and substance
? Importance to discipline
? Critique of findings with suggestions for change and future inquiry