Bronx’s Classical Definition of Beauty

1.Describe two things about the Bronx which fit into the Classical Definition of Beauty as highlighted above and
explain why? Think about infrastructure, art, Hip Hop, Mambo, people, history, etc. specific to the Bronx you
have learned about. How are they harmonious, symmetrical and proportional?
2.Name two reasons gentrification might be good for the Bronx and two reasons why it may not. Be specific
and provide examples. Cite at least 2 sources in your Essay.
3.Of the three films we watched this semester, Baby Girl, Fort Apache: The Bronx, and Marty, which one:
a. Was your favorite and why?
b. Which did you find the most surprising to watch and why?
c. Which film taught you something you had not known before about The Bronx? What did it teach you?

  1. How has your perspective of The Bronx changed since taking this class? What would you say to someone
    now who asked you: “What’s so great about The Bronx, besides Yankee Stadium and The Bronx Zoo?”
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