Brazil’s RTAs, PTAs and WTO Trade Disputes

From the WTO website, go HERE. Select your country. Then from this page, start to collect some basic information:
• Which are Brazil’s main RTAs? Who are the other members?
• Which are Brazil’s main PTAs? With which countries are the main ones?
• What engagement has your country had with trade disputes under the DSP? This list includes involvement as a Third Party.
• What, overall, does Brazil Tariff Profile’ look like? (Link on the LHS of the page).
Time Series Trade Data from 2000 – World Bank World Development Indicators database:

  1. Trade Openness – Collect “Trade (% of GDP data)
  2. Economic Structure – Collect “Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing, value added (% of GDP)” , “Industry (including construction), value added (% of GDP)” , “Manufacturing, value added (% of GDP)” , “Services, value added (% of GDP)”
    Analysis: Think about how and why Brazil economic structure in terms of sectors have changed over time from 2000.
  • Analyse the relationship between industry and manufacturing sector. What does the data tell us about Brazil’s economy
  1. Terms of Trade – Collect
    For the Commodity, or Net Barter, Terms of Trade:
    Scroll down to find the data for your country.
    For Exports as a Capacity to Import (aka Income Terms of Trade):
    Overall Analysis
  • Use these three IMF working paper to support and provide more in-depth economic analysis.
  • Use Brazil Trade policy report on World Trade Organisation

Key literature for Trade Section

  1. Grancay, M., Grancay, N. and Dudas, T. (2015) What you Export Matters: does it really? Contemporary Economics, 9, 233-244.
  2. Martin, W. (2019) Economic Growth, Convergence, and Agricultural Economics. Agricultural Economics. Available at:
  3. Roch, F. (2019) The Adjustment to Commodity Prices Shocks. Journal of Applied Economics, 22, 437-467.
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