Brand and product analysis
Choose a specific brand and product line (e.g. Pantente shampoo, Diet Coke). You are, then, asked to review relevant literature (mainly academic papers) and to write a report on:
A. Product category Involvement and Motivation analysis
Analyse and define the level of product involvement for the category that your brand belongs to (i.e. dimensions of involvement). Apply relevant motivation constructs (hedonic Vs. utilitarian motives, negatively and positively evaluated goals, motivational conflicts) to analyse the motives behind a purchase in this category.
B. Customer Profile and Positioning analysis.
Use relevant theories to analyse the Target Customer Profile focusing mainly on psychographics (i.e. lifestyle, personality, values etc.) and Brand Positioning (i.e. brand personality, self/ brand congruence theory).
C. Marketing Strategies and Tactics analysis
Use consumer psychology theories to evaluate the company’s recent marketing strategies and tactics. You could analyse advertising campaigns, product packaging, product development tactics or other marketing strategies. Theories that need to be covered are:
• Message structure and characteristics,
• Route to persuasion – ELM,
• Perception aspects, JND,
• Memory and learning issues,
• ABC attitude model, attitude change strategies, multi- attribute attitude models,
• The theory of the Self and self enhancement theory