Branches or divisions of forensic sciences
The paper topic should be related to the class material (Handwriting and
document examination, forensic aspects of arson, explosives, firearms, tool marks and other impression
evidence, DNA evidence, blood evidence, glass & soil, fingerprints, biometrics, etc.). Any one of the previous
listed topics is an acceptable paper topic. Or, students can write a paper about one of the branches (forensic
psychiatry, forensic odontology, forensic engineering, computer forensics and digital analysis, forensic
pathology, forensic anthropology, forensic entomology, forensic toxicology, or forensic serology) as an
acceptable topic. Any student that is unsure if the topic is appropriate can contact me for clarification through
Canvas. Again, this is one chosen topic and not a summary of multiple branches of forensics. For example, do
not discuss handwriting and document examination and then forensic aspects of arson in the same paper. If a
student discusses multiple unrelated branches or types of forensic evidence that does not support the main
topic then points will be deducted based on the content of the paper.
The paper topic chosen should contain the history and development of this branch of forensic science. The
paper must contain the type of training or education that is needed to process this type of evidence? It must
include what is involved in collecting, preserving and processing that type evidence? Are special tools needed
to collect, preserve or analyze this type of evidence? Explain what these tools are and any additional
equipment that is needed in the collection, preservation of analysis of that type of evidence. Discuss how this
field of forensic science is useful in an investigation?
Discuss the court decision(s) that allows that type of evidence brought into judicial process. What court cases
allows for testimony for that type of case? For example, what would be the gold standard for evidence being
admitted at trial in a paper that was about DNA evidence? Or for example, how does a forensic psychiatrist
become a court expert in a paper on forensic psychology (what criteria must be met)? This is a traditional term
paper as previously stated and it is not an essay answering the above listed questions.
The paper should explain all aspects of on that branch of forensic science to include at least three real life case