Brainstorm: “The House of Offence”
Keep in Mind
As you’re brainstorming, make sure you keep the materials from the podcasts in mind (especially the literary analysis skills you learned in Literary Elements 1-10). Remember that you’re building toward this unit’s Big Question: What power do medical institutions have? How does medical discourse construct the reality it’s attempting to represent?
Brainstorm With Your Peers
Comment on at least one of the five prompts below, and respond to at least one peer (Also do this for one other story in the week.) Initial posts are due Thursday by midnight; response posts are due Sunday by midnight.
“The House of Offence”
Required for any prompt you choose: Include a quotation from the text and connect it to your response. The quotation must be new to the board (do not use a quotation another student has already posted).
1) Address the big question.
2) Decode the story with a literary element.
3) Ask a question.
4) Share a personal experience.
5) Freebie: share something else that relates to the story.
Images and videos are encouraged, not required.