Boutique wineries around Australia and packages
This company sources their wine from boutique wineries around Australia and packages them into little precycled Goon bags meaning they create less waste. This company targets consumers who don’t understand wine and don’t want to commit to a $40 bottle only to not like it. Instead A glass of sends them 5 small goon bags the equvilant to a glass each of different wine, allowing them to gain more knowledge whilst also saving the environment.
Our clients ‘A Glass Of’ want to create Initivies to connect winemakers with consumers through novel distribution channels. We also identified two problems they wanted solved; wine pouches becoming damaged through transport and novel ways of upcylcing their packaging.
With this information we had to develop 5 prototypes that we could present to A glass of in a presentation. These prototypes were;
The first prototype was creating a carry box which could be used to protect wine pouches as well as create up cycling opportunities fo consumers through the form of a jewel box or first aid kit.
The second prototype we developed was creating zip pouch with label stickers which again was designed to protect wine and create upcyclcling capabilities.
We created two digital prototypes in a website and QR code which aimed to inform the industry partner’s customers on how the packaging can contribute to the circular business model and in this case provide solutions for reusing the goon bag.
Lastly we created a fundraiser, designed to help raise money towards sustainability funds as a community as well as bringing loyal customers together to create brand sentiment.
For this report I am responsible for “Prototypes & Final Concept. Please write 250 words for prototype section and 350 words for final concept. These sections will be under the name ‘Tom’. Most of the report is finished so for more of an understating feel free to read the report.
For the prototypes section briefly discuss how we were all responsible for creating different prototypes that would help A glass of’. Discuss how we looked at other products on the market for inspiration e.g creating a zip lock bag on the goon bag so it can be reused for other things. (this info can be found on the slide show I’ve attached called ‘slideshow’)