Book Review

Is there a difference between Musui’s portrayal of a samurai and the popular imagination?
Is the dropping of the A-bombs justifiable, morally or strategically? Condemned to modernize, how did
generations of Japanese deal with rapid transformation of their society and culture?
What are the problems confronted by daughters of the samurai (or of any nationality for that matter) from a
feminist perspective?
Katsu Kokichi. Musui’s Story. Tuscon, AZ.: U. of Arizona Press, 1991.
Minear, R. trans. Hiroshima, Three Witnesses. Princeton, NJ.: Princeton U., 1990.
Natsume Soseki. Kokoro. Washington DC.: Regnery Publishing, 1957.
Nimura, Janice. Daughters of the Samurai. New York, NY.: W.W. Norton, 2015.
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