The review should have a title page with the title of the book and the author in the center and the student’s name in the lower right-hand corner! The paper should be five to six pages in length and typed, with the type set no larger than 12, and, with the exception of the cover page, all pages should be numbered! With the exception of footnotes, spacing in the text should be doubled in its entirety, with no extra spacing between the paragraphs. Footnotes must be used!!!!!!!!

Principal Points

Summary: Summarize the book in no more than two paragraphs. In doing this, you should briefly summarize the author’s thesis as well as other main points that the book makes.

Analysis: Indicate three or more significant ways in which the book expanded your knowledge beyond the textbook. Write this in a comparative way by citing passages from both sources.

Discussion: Present some observations concerning the value of the book. In doing this, you may address such matters as writing style, the use of sources, the use of illustrations, and the author’s qualifications and biases. Do not make vague statements about liking or disliking the book.

The Book is called : Robert J. Allison. The American Revolution: A Concise History.
Please make sure there are footnotes and also cover page with the description listed

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