Blum on plagiarism and academic integrity.
Part 1
Read the article below by Susan D. Blum on plagiarism and academic integrity.
Blum, Susan D. “Academic Integrity and Student Plagiarism: a Question of Education, Not Ethics.” The Chronicle of Higher Education. 20 Feb. 2009.
(Links to an external site.)
Links to an external site.
. Accessed 18 Aug. 2019.
Also read William Badke’s discussion (our textbook) on plagiarism on pages 236-241.
Answer the questions below in paragraph form, using correct spelling and grammar. Your thoughtful answer should be about 250-300 words (approximately two paragraphs in length) on your perspective on the topic.
The majority of your comments should reflect your own ideas, but you should refer to specific information or arguments found in the article. (You may use additional outside sources as well, but you are not required to.) Whenever you include someone else’s ideas or information, you must cite the source of those ideas, whether you quote directly or paraphrase from the source.
For this discussion, an in text citation is sufficient when you use ideas from the article linked above. When you use ideas from any other source, you should include both an in text citation and a full citation at the end of your essay.
As a student, what is your perspective on plagiarism?
- Do you think plagiarism is wrong? Why or why not? Is plagiarism only an academic crime, if not can you think of an example of plagiarism outside academia?(4 points)
- What should be the consequences when a student is caught plagiarizing? Should a the student fail the class or receive a failing grade for that specific assignment only? Have you read Taft College’s Academic Integrity Policy? If so, when? (2 points)
- Have any of your teachers/instructors through assignments or activities helped you understand plagiarism and how to avoid it? (2 points)
- What do you think are the best ways that schools can reduce plagiarism and encourage academic honesty? (2 points)
- What recommendations does William Badke in our textbook have to avoid plagiarism? Based on one of the websites -from Rutgers University (this is a URL link which you will have to type in your browser), page 241-what is self-plagiarism and is it acceptable and what are your thoughts on self-plagiarism? (3 points)
Part 2A
Answer the questions below from the textbook or/and other sources. Ensure to utilizing the formatting examples provided. Your responses to these questions should be typed, with your response for each question no longer than 150 words in length. Double-spacing requirements apply, and you must cite any sources used in your responses. - Describe Federalism in detail and give examples.
- Describe in detail the Federal Supremacy clause in the constitution.
- Who has the burden of proof in a criminal trial? What legal standard must be met
and what is the outcome when the legal standard is not met? - What is Preponderance of Evidence and in what type of cases is generally utilized?
- Explain in detail what the difference is between Direct Evidence and
Circumstantial Evidence? Give examples.
Part 2B
Review the case of United States v. Arizona as it applies to the supremacy of Federal law in regards to immigration.
(Links to an external site.)
Review the case of Reno v. Condon Link
(Links to an external site.)
as it applies to Federalism. Focus on the courts determination regarding what the states need or need not to do.
(Links to an external site.)
Review California Senate Bill-54, Section 2, Government Code Sections 7282.5 and 7284.6?
(Links to an external site.)
Based on your readings in Chapter 2 and the case law discuss the following
- Is California legally obligated to assist the Federal Government with immigration enforcement? Explain your answer.