Blog writing
Create a blog in which they will document their progress in their project, what they have learned, or post reports or articles on music events in Melbourne taking into account the activities of the week.
The aim of this blog is not to have a ‘dear diary’ style blog, but to have an outlet to digest the ideas covered in the studios and the readings, and begin to build an online profile of musical critique.
Text with images; audio, and video blogs are accepted.
Assessment Rationale:
Having an online presence is vital in the music industry. A music critique blog will be the foundation for any students wishing to pursue a career in music journalism; and for students with other interests, it will build critical listening skills, and material that can later on be added on your CV.
Use of website hosts is essential. Sites such as WIX, WordPress, Squarespace (etc) can be good options. Social media (such as Instagram or Snapchat) are not allowed.
Assessment Criteria:
Research: Demonstrated evidence of critical engagement with appropriate material; evidence of thorough research (books, journals, internet, media resources and archives).
Argument: Well-articulated and well-supported argument; evidence of critical thinking (through taking a position in relation to key – Ideas from the course, and supporting this position); evidence of relational thinking (through making connections between key ideas from the course and wider literature, and supporting these connections).
Presentation: Demonstrates good communication skills.
Writing: Demonstrates good writing skills.