Blog entry in response to online discussion

Blog entry in response to online discussion

Have a look on the below posters and give the respond to these online blogs the limit of words for each is 125 words

When you think of yourself as a researcher what do you see yourself doing?
My research paradigm is….
Patton (1990) defines “paradigm” as basic beliefs, a world view, the nature of the “world” in which ones exist, a general perspective, a way of interpreting the

complexity of the real world (p. 107). In a similar way, Lincoln &Guba (2000) refer to this term as an interpretative framework which is driven by the beliefs and

feelings about the world and how it should be understood and investigated. The beliefs about the world are, therefore reflected into three categories: “ontology” means

the view of the world, the nature of reality, which is studied on the basis of certain philosophical assumptions, known as “epistemology” with suitable “methodology”

as a guide and a direction for thinking and action.
The different views about the world create conflicts paradigms, Heraclitean ontology of becoming and Parmenidean ontology of being. According to Gray (2004), the

former believes reality is formless and chaos while the latter believes in the formed entities of the reality. The opposing ideas lead to three positions. Firstly,

objectivist epistemology holds the world is unconscious, linking to positivism theoretical perspective. The second is constructivisism believing truth and meaning

created by the interaction of the subject with the world and it links to interpretivism. The third is subjectivism with postmodernism as theoretical perspective (p.

17). The different stances about epistemology and perspective decide the choices of research methodology with qualitative, quantitative or mixed methods, considered as

a new paradigm.
With interpretive paradigm, this study would like to yield insight and understand how gender differentiation impacts the ways current younger women and men learners

using language at home and at class. Mixed methods are used to collect, analyse and interpret data, combining interviews and observation for getting data and discourse

analysis to analyse the texts provided by participants because this paradigm can help the study to have varieties of information. And as Cohen, Manion& Morrison (2011)

confirm the combination of methods contributes to address the mixed research questions, each of which could be quantitative or qualitative (p. 24), and makes the

research in education stronger.
Cohen, L., 1928,  Manion, L. & Morrison, K. (2011). Research methods in education. New York: Routhledge.
Gray, D. E. 1. (2004). Doing research in the real world. London: SAGE.
Lincoln, Y. S., &Guba, E., G. (2000). Paradigmatic controversies, contradictions and emerging confluences. In N. K. Denzin& Y. S. Lincoln (Eds.), Handbook of

Qualitative Research (2nd ed., pp. 163-188). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, Inc.
Patton, M. Q. (1990).Qualitative Evaluation and Research Methods( 2nd ed.). Newbury Park, CA: Sage.

What makes a good research question?
Research questions are the instruction for the entire survey through posing the questions “what, why and how” in open-ended forms. Baumfield et al (2013) refer to

research questions with two types of enquiry: “What is going on?” and “what happens if?” (p.39), these two questions move as cycles in the process of doing research.

A good research question should imply what the researchers want to know, not what they might do. Dillon (1984) emphasizes that a research question should provide

proposition that works as its presupposition and generate answer even true or not to support that presupposition and can imply for further questions (p. 329). It means

any research questions should be created on the basis of appropriate academic theories; connect to a theoretical framework (Andrews, 2003; Gray, 2004).
However, Kerlinger (1986 cited in Gray, 2004) reveals a good question in educational research should serve as device for inquiry, relate to the topic, process in

cognitive and logical ways and have appropriate forms and structure. Research questions are not problems which emerge during studying literature nor hypothesis because

according to Gray problems can be allocated by a sponsor and hypothesis is predicted on the foundation of theory (p.70). Research questions not foretell the outputs

that the study might contribute. A good research question should express the relationship between variable and not cause ambiguous in a question format.
Andrews (2003) shows that research question needs derive from particular context and be answerable within the time available and the level of the project, it emerges

from the investigator’s interest (p. 2). It is not helpful if the questions could be impossible to answer. And in that case the research does not provide benefits for

the community.

Reference list
Andrews, R. (2003). Research questions. London: MPG Books, Bodmin, Cornwall.
Baumfield, V., Hall. E. & Wall, K. (2013). Action research in education (2nd ed.). London: SAGE Publications Ltd.
Dillon, J.T. (1984). The classification of research questions.Review of Educational Research.54(3), 327-361. Retrieved from : latrobe.
Gray, D. E. (2004).Doing research in the real world. London: Sage Publications.


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