

Project description
You have to find an article that is about biotransport like mass transfer or heat transfer in tissue engineering strategies. You should read the article and write a summery and a background. Then apply the formulas, equations, and the concepts that are related to the article from the textbook, and how these are used in the article that you read. And show that you understand how things are applied. The article has to be a biotransport article at least published in the 9 past years and not a reviewed article. Ill provide more instructions later.
Thank you.

Here is the link for the book that you should have the equation, formulas, and concepts from.

Ill update you with the chapter that we covered.

Added on 04.12.2014 16:37
please see the attach file for the final and wanted instructions

The writing assignment should focus on a relatively recent (less than 10 years old) research article from a peer-reviewed journal on PubMed, Google Scholar, etc. about a biomedical application of a transport topic that you understand. This article should include original research – review articles are not allowed. Write a summary and analysis of this article (2-3 pages max, single spaced), including a brief background, a description of how transport equations were used, a discussion of assumptions, an assessment of the appropriateness of the experimental system and suggested areas for improvement. Also provide your opinion concerning how well you believe the target system was modeled. The completed writing assignment should be emailed as a PDF.

Resources for finding a biotransport research article
Database search for a given topic (Pubmed is a good option)
Looking through issues of research journals of interest based on a broad topic
Library: references listed in biotransport books or more general books like the biomedical engineering handbook (I also have a few biotransport books in my office)
Some possible topics include:
fluid mechanics simulations in the cardiovascular system (like Borhan’s research) fluid mechanics simulations in other physiologic systems
heat transfer related to normal physiology
heat/energy transfer in medical treatments (such as techniques involving lasers) bioreactor simulations (fluid mechanics, heat transfer, or mass transfer emphasis) mass transfer related to drug delivery strategies
mass transfer in biological tissues
mass transfer in tissue engineering strategies
mass transfer in cell encapsulation strategies

Here is the link for the book that you should have the equation, formulas, and concepts from.

Focus on ch. 24, 25, and 26, which are about mass transfer and diffusion.


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