

Essay Research and write an essay of approximately 1000 words on a topic chosen from the list below. You may use diagrams if you feel they will add to your work but diagrams must be both relevant and fully labeled. All source material must be listed in a bibliography in the Harvard System and be correctly cited in the text of your essay. Marking criteria: your essay must demonstrate that you can: • Research a topic using a range of sources.​ • Select and organise relevant material to address the title. ​ • Structure paragraphs to develop your ideas in essay format​ • Write using accurate spelling, punctuation and grammar. • Write using suitable academic style and vocabulary. • Construct a bibliography using the Harvard system.​ • Reference a bibliography of sources to your essay.​ As part of your portfolio you must submit a draft of your essay to Moodle to be checked for plagiarism. If your essay has a similarity score above 20% you must rewrite in your own words those sections that have be taken directly from source material. ​ 1. Write a history of one of the following drugs: i. Penicillin ii. Digitalin iii. Thalidomide iiii. Aspirin v. Taxol vi. Morphine 16. Write a history of one of the following drugs: i. Penicillin ii. Digitalin iii. Thalidomide iiii. Aspirin v. Taxol vi. Morphine Your essay should include when and how the drug was discovered, usages, mode of action and side effects. NOTE: Wikipedia may be used as a starting point for your research but if this is your sole source of information your essay will not be marked Your essay should include when and how the drug was discovered, usages, mode of action and side effects. NOTE: Wikipedia may be used as a starting point for your research but if this is your sole source of information your essay will not be marked 17. Choose one of the medical problems or conditions below, give an outline of the illness, its causes, treatments and any special problems. Include an explanation of the science involved in it. i. AIDS, ARC and HIV ii. Diabetes type 1 and 2 iii. Sickle Cell Anaemia iiii. Tuberculosis v. Ebola vi. Malaria Guidelines for writing Reflections on Progress and Learning You are required to write 2 reflections on your progress and development of learning – at the end of Module 1, and the end of module 2. These can be in the form of continuous prose, notes or any combination. Aim for a minimum of 300 words but feel free to explore your ideas as fully as you wish. Below are some suggested questions to guide your reflections on your progress and learning. Time management – be honest! • How was your attendance? • Did you meet all the deadlines? • What difficulties did you encounter and how did you deal with them? • What could you do to develop your time management further? Understanding the subjects – refer to the module outlines and learning outcomes • What topics do you feel confident about and why? • What topics do you feel need further work? • What is it about these topics that you find challenging? • What strategies/ skills do you need to develop to meet these challenges? Assignments and quizzes – evaluate your approach to completing the assessments • How effective are your strategies for completing your assignments? • Are there any ways in which you could improve your approach? Overall Discuss your approach to developing your understanding and evaluate your progress on the module(s) to date. What changes could you make to help you study more effectively? Revision and examination techniques Did you draw up a revision timetable? If YES – How realistic was your revision timetable? – How well were you able to stick to your plan? – Did you correctly anticipate the amount of time you require for revision? If NO – How did you plan and manage your revision? – How well do you feel your revision went? – How would a revision timetable help you to revise? How well did you manage your time in the end of module test? What will you do differently to prepare for the next test/ examination

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