Beyond Feelings
Textbook: “Beyond Feelings: A Guide to Critical Thinking 9th Edition, 2011.” by Vincent Ruggiero
Citing at least two of the posted articles on Q-Anon, connect this bizarre social phenomenon to one of the four
facts about causation in Ruggerio (pages 38-42). Your post should be at least 250 words.
Textbook: “Women’s Ways of Knowing: The Development of Self, Voice and Mind, BasicBooks, 1996 by Mary
Fields Belenky.
In a 250 word post link the experience of silence described in Women’s Ways of Knowing to some aspect of
the Adam Curtis documentary Hypernormalization. How do fear and confusion lead to a state in which thought
is foreclosed? Have you ever experienced this kind of cognitive collapse directly, or seen it occur in your family
or with close friends? Describe what you have experienced.