Better person project


Hello, so you just need to watch the videos in one of the options of your liking and write what it was about and give your thoughts on what it is you “learned”.
Thank you!

Category 3: Better Person

Option 1: The Last Lecture by Dr. Randy Pausch (YouTube)

Option 2: Watch the following 4 TED lectures. Write a 2 page paper including all of them.

  1. How to Make Stress Your Friend by Kelly Mcgonigal.
  2. Stanford University: Steve Jobs Commencement Speech: How to live before you die.
  3. Jim Carrey Commencement Speech at Maharishi University.
  4. Amy Cuddy (TED talk on body language) . All 4 topics should be at least 2 pages combined.

Option 3: Rick Hanson | Talks at Google: Budda Brain Lecture

Option 4: 4 Ted talks about the impact on your smartphone addiction Write a 2 page paper including all of them.

  1. What you are missing while being a digital zombie – Patrik Wincent
  2. Why we should rethink our relationship with the smartphone – Lior Frenkel
  3. How social media makes us unsocial – Allison Graham
  4. Quit social media – Dr Cal Newport
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