Best Practices for Network Security
Create a outline based on the topic below: Best Practices for Network Security
Outline (6.25%): For this exercise – please create the outline for your paper. The outline should include the following all in APA format:
• Title page with title, name date, class, professor, and university info
• Top level headers which outline what you will be talking about in your paper (major topics
• Second level headers which outline specific detail headers for each of your top level headers.
• A bibliography list with at least 5 sources.
• Submit your outline in a word file with the following file naming convention: ISSC421_Outline_First_Last.doc(x) replacing the First and Last with your first
and last names respectively and submit the file unto this area of the assignments
An outline is a breakout of your paper section by section starting with the Introduction. It is like a map of how you plan to build the paper and what the topic
of each section will consist of.