Beliefs about Family and Community Health Nursing
Awareness of your own beliefs, attitudes, and biases is an important part of self-reflection and professional development. In this activity, take some time to reflect on your beliefs and assumptions about family and community health nursing. The following questions are posed to help you think about your beliefs, attitudes, and biases:
What have your experiences been with community health nurses? What have been your family’s experiences in the healthcare system? What have been your best and worst experiences in these contexts?
Which contextual, political, or structural factors have influenced your health, the health of your family, and your community’s health?
What experience do you have with the population with whom you are going to work?
What do you anticipate are factors that influence health in this population?
Create a personal reflection (written, video, or other format) about the community health nurse’s role in social justice and health equity. Post this reflection in the Beliefs About Community Health Nursing forum by the end of Week 2 (include a critical thinking question for your peers). Provide a thoughtful response to ONE of your classmates. Consider reviewing one of the following resources (optional), or frame the reflection from your personal experience. You will return to this reflection in Unit 5 at the end of the course.