Behaviors in ancient Greek

Although not as explicit as the Bible, ancient Greek myth does provide ethical imperatives in which some behaviours are endorsed and some are condemned. In light of this, the Odyssey presents conflicting views about desire and pleasure. Many passages seem to celebrate food, drink, and sex while other episodes present misdirected indulgence in these same activities (e.g., examples of hospitality, the suitors’ actions throughout the poem, the lotus eaters, Circe, Calypso, Cyclopes). The paper should quote, cite, and analyse the Odyssey to clarify what are acceptable and what are unacceptable forms of desire. The thesis of the paper should affirm whether desire is a good thing or desire is a bad thing. Test the thesis by devoting half the paper to defending the opposing position. The conclusion of the paper should attempt to revise the thesis in light of the arguments raised by the opposing position.

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