detailing what you learned about the Pre-Stonewall movement in the readings assigned. BUT, I want you to write it in narrative form and as a character (first person). Pretend that you are a person experiencing this era..who are you? What is happening to you?
It can be in a form of an editorial, diary entry, letter to a friend, newspaper/magazine article, interview, etc. Just make sure it historically accurate according to what you read in from the “Stonewall Reader” reading assignments in this module.
For example, include the who, what, when and where of the readings. What was happening during this era? What stood out to you? What were the challenges to the movement?
Include three infographics as an APPENDIX to your first page of written work. Inforgrafics can be photos, drawings or any other depiction you find to attach to your story. Make it yourself or find it online on a RELIABLE source. Then, add a short description for each and WHY you included it. Yiu may use any LGBTQ history museums, women’s history museums, etc that are found online. This is will you will need to do some research!