Bd 7/8-functions of behavior

Post the functions of behavior. Why is identifying the functions of behavior considered ethical practice?

reading:We all do things for a reason. Drinking coffee in the morning might keep you alert and focused as you start your day. Being sociable and congenial to those around you may help establish a positive social environment and reduce the potential for stress and conflict. A person’s day is often filled with behaviors that may increase happiness or reduce stress. This is equally true of individuals with disabilities or learning issues. In order to develop techniques to help these individuals, it is critical to first identify the function of the behavior in achieving a consequence for the individual.

2nd paragraph:
scenerio: Consider the following:
Currently, 15 states explicitly allow corporal punishment but let local school boards decide whether to use it. With this in mind, consider the following scenario:

Anywhere Middle School is located in a state where corporal punishment is still acceptable. The school administrator is designated as the administrator to administer corporal punishment to all students.
Post your determination and explanation of whether the practice described in the scenario would be considered ethical based on the BACB® Ethics Code for Behavior Analysts. Explain what variables should be considered when punishment is used. Based on the Internet search and your personal experiences, explain how your thoughts toward corporal punishment in both schools and home have and/or have not changed.

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