BC First Nation

BC First Nation

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This is a research paper that focuses on the challenges of business communication with a distinctive cultural group. The First Nations of Canada are poised to play a significant role in this country’s future, including the future of business. You will have an opportunity to learn about several of BC’s First Nations, and you will write a report outlining how best to approach the development of an energy project with one of them.

This is a research paper that focuses on the challenges of business communication with a distinctive cultural group. The First Nations of Canada are poised to play a significant role in this country’s future, including the future of business. You will have an opportunity to learn about several of BC’s First Nations, and you will write a report outlining how best to approach the development of an energy project with one of them.?You are not expected to become an expert in doing business with First Nations people, but rather to gain an appreciation for the challenges and opportunities.

The Wind Energy Project
Your company, Rupert Peace Power Corporation (RPPC), would like to build a large turbine wind energy development project somewhere in a remote location in BC. Recent experience has shown that Canadians are generally in favour of wind energy, but few are willing to have the turbines close to where they live. RPPC recognizes a big opportunity to develop wind energy projects on lands controlled by the First Nations of BC, lands that are vast and relatively under-populated.
“RPPC is a Canadian development company focused on bringing sustainable renewable energy projects to market. RPPC is motivated by the belief that a clean, sustainable environment is vital to the long-term health of our planet and that development of such projects must satisfy local concerns as well as sound business practices.”
RPPC management has identified six geographic regions in BC they believe are prime candidates for the wind energy project and identified the First Nation that has jurisdiction over significant lands in each region:
1. Metlakatla First Nation on the northern coast of BC;?I CHOOSE THIS ONE
You have been selected to briefly review the six First Nations, select ONE, and write a report that outlines how best to develop the wind energy project with that one candidate.
Your Role and The Purpose of your Report
While the executive team has some limited project experience dealing with various First Nations in the past, no one on the team has ever dealt directly with any of the six First Nations in question before. They are looking to you to prepare them appropriately before they begin a consultation process. They also know that the recent Supreme Court Decision, commonly known as the “William Decision,” acknowledges that the nations have more control over their traditional territories than many people 1 thought they had, so they want you to identify what the implications of the decision might mean for RPPC’s projects. Assume your title is, Research & Business Development Coordinator, working as a full time employee with the company.
The executive team recognizes that each nation receives many requests for development projects, so it is particularly important to start on the right foot if they have any hope of building a successful partnership. They have given you the opportunity to write a briefing paper that outlines what the team should know about the history of the nation, relevant current events, possible approaches to gaining their cooperation and approval, and important cultural sensitivities, as well as any information on a typical approval process for this nation.
Note: You may not contact any nation directly, but must rely on information publicly available.
During this assignment, you will belong to a group allowing you to discuss your questions, your ideas, and your research. However, you are required to write and submit your own, individual report. Here is how it works: On day one of the assignment, groups (ideally of four people) will be formed. Within your group, your first task is to select one the six First Nations to be your subject for the duration of the assignment and for the briefing report to management. Every member of the group must have a different candidate. After a brief review of all six, choose on any basis you like—the geographic location of their territory, the name, their goals, their governance, their graphic symbol, etc. During week one of the assignment, your job is to conduct research on your candidate.
Deliverable One
In the third week of the assignment, class time will be set aside for group discussions about the different candidates with the aim of deciding which one would be the best candidate to approach for a partnership agreement on a wind turbine energy project in BC. Among other things you will consider governance structure, economic priorities and economic need. Your group will present its findings to the class.
Note: whatever the conclusions of the team as to the best candidate, you will proceed to develop your report about the candidate you selected initially
Deliverable Two
Individually, write a briefing paper to RPPC’s Director of Development, Samantha Bara, discussing the one nation you researched. In your report, you are expected to:
??Articulate a process RPPC should expect to follow in order to be successful in proposing a collaboration with the nation in question. What research should they do before they contact anyone? Who should they contact? What issues should they be aware of??o Consider key issues with respect to cultural sensitivity awareness and building trust.?o Identify the type of projects the nation tends to favour. Does RPPC’s project complement existing projects? If not, what approach do you recommend to meet that challenge??o Include a paragraph outlining compensation the nation might be offered, both monetary and otherwise. (Note: Do not suggest building a school or other infrastructure. If the community needs a school, they will build it themselves.)???Provide a concise summary of best practices for engaging with First Nations communities on land management projects in general (see Best Practices for Consultation and Accommodation prepared by MNP),

•    Word Count: 2000 words
•    ?Deliverable Three:?Write a letter to the Economic Development office of the nation you researched advising them that RPPC is interested in developing a business initiative with them and that the company is currently preparing a proposal that will be submitting for consideration. (This is not included in the word count and should be placed at the end of the same document as your report.)
•    ?RESEARCH: You are expected to do extensive research for this paper using the news media, government documents, and business journals. The following list is a collection of recommended articles and documents that offers broad background of knowledge about key issues. Your instructor will provide additional advice and suggestions.
•    ?Recommended Background Readings
1.    Preamble to the William Decision (pages 5-11) ?http://www.fns.bc.ca/pdf/William_en_%28SCC-2014%29.pdf ?
2.    The Lax Kw’alaams First Nation overwhelmingly rejected a more than $1-billion offer in money and Crown land in exchange for supporting a natural gas terminal. http://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/british-columbia/no-lng-project-without- environmental-guarantees-bc-grand-chief-vows/article24471901/ ?
3.    Globe and Mail, May 2015: “B.C. pushing ahead with LNG proposal despite objections from First Nations “ http://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/british-columbia/bc-pushing-ahead-with-lng- proposal-despite-objections-from-first-nations/article24533325/ ?
4.    Best Practices for Consultation and Accommodation, prepared for the New Relationship Trust by MNP. This will provide you with the clearest summary of best practices for doing business with First Nations: http://www.newrelationshiptrust.ca/downloads/consultation-and-accomodation-report.pdf ?
5.    The Provincial Government’s position on negotiating land claims: ?http://www.gov.bc.ca/arr/treaty/negotiating/why.html ?
6.    The Tyee, Ian Gill, May 2015, “No Wealth, No Justice in $1 Billion LNG Offer to First Nation Band” ?http://thetyee.ca/Opinion/2015/05/09/No-Wealth-No-Justice-Billion-LNG-Offer/ ?
7.    Monte Paulsen, “A Gentle Revolution” in the Walrus. http://thewalrus.ca/2006-01-politics/ ?

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8.    Ian Johnson’s article on Chinese “neocolonialism” in Africa: http://www.nybooks.com/articles/archives/2014/sep/25/chinese-invade-africa/ ?
9.    Read the latest community newsletter for the first nation you are writing about, as well as those of the other five on the list of prospects. It will give you a sense of some of the things going on in the community. ?
10.    Read the Economic Development Corporation page on the Nations’ website. ?
??your research is expected to cover both general issues related to doing business with First Nations in BC and issues that apply specifically to the First Nation you have selected to write about.

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