Bayesian Statistics vs. NHST
To better understand the similarity and dissimilarity between Bayesian statistics and Null Hypothesis
Significance Testing (NHST), read an excerpt from Jebb and Woo’s (2014) article, “Bayesian Statistics in a
Second, to further understand the similarity and dissimilarity between Bayesian statistics and NHST and the previous conflicts between supporters of each approach, read selected slides from Rice’s (2018) lecture,
“Bayesian Statistics: A Very Brief Introduction.”
Then answer the following questions
Do you find Bayes statistics hard to understand? If so, why?
Do you find Bayes statistics easy to interpret? If so, why?
Have you used Bayes statistics before? If so, when?
How do you think you’ll use Bayes statistics in the future?
Finally, convert the following Null and Alternative Hypotheses into Bayesian hypotheses and probabilities (you
can refer to the NHST and Bayesian Statistics Hypotheses document)
H0: Blood pressure of active people is equal to the blood pressure of inactive people (BP-active = BP-inactive)
HA: BP-active ≠ BP-inactive
H0: average hours of sleep for people with depression = average hours of sleep for people without depression
HA: average hours of sleep for people with depression ≠ average hours of sleep for people without depression
H0: mean lifespan of smokers = mean lifespan of nonsmokers
HA: mean lifespan of smokers ≠ mean lifespan of nonsmokers
H0: IQ scores of people from families with net income of $50,000 = IQ scores of people from families with net
income of $25,000
HA: IQ scores of people from families with net income of $50,000 ≠ IQ scores of people from families with net
income of $25,000
H0: group participation of introverts = group participation of extroverts
HA: group participation of introverts ≠ group participation of extroverts
H0: fertilized plants grow slower than unfertilized plants
HA: fertilized plants grow faster than unfertilized plant
H0: GPA-tutoring ≤ GPA-not tutoring
HA: GPA-tutoring > GPA-not tutoring
H0: Insecurity of people who spend 2+ hours a day on social media ≤ insecurity of people who spend less than
2 hours a day on social media
HA: Insecurity of people who spend 2+ hours a day on social media > insecurity of people who spend less than
2 hours a day on social media
H0: memory of children ≤ memory of elderly
HA: memory of children > memory of elderly
H0: wealth of those who ranked high in Maslow’s hierarchy of needs ≤ wealth of those who ranked low in
Maslow’s hierarchy of needs
HA: wealth of those who ranked high in Maslow’s hierarchy of needs > wealth of those who ranked low in
Maslow’s hierarchy of needs