Basic knowledge of computers

Basic knowledge of computers is practically essential for productively engaging in twenty-first-century life. Workin
field technicians to project managers and business executives. In order to make sound business decisions, one m
for effectively meeting those needs.In this final project, you will assume the role of a tech consultant hired by an e
identifying the business’s information technology needs, weighing options for meeting those needs, and making fi
for evaluation and selection include hardware components, software applications, networking options, and inform
address each critical element successfully; this table is located below the critical elements of the final project. You
Report.This assessment addresses the following course
appropriate network and multi-user operating system methods that support key businessobjectivesIdentify inform
digital informationstoresScenario: You have been hired as an IT consultant by an entrepreneur starting a small ad
a limited budget. There are only 10 employees, including a few creative directors, graphic designers, sales staff, a
IT budget cannot exceed $25,000 and ideally should come in as far under that number as possible. MilleniAds wi
business cards, that apply a youthful, fresh perspective targeting millennial demographics. Therefore, the compan
products for their clients. The CEO wants to keep track of inventory, sales, and expenses digitally, but she does n
accounts but hopes to scale up in the coming years. It would be ideal to have a simple and user-friendly system fo
themselves who have indicated that their current desktop PCs are limiting their capabilities and that they prefer us
of the ten employees will operate primarily outside of the office, soliciting business from regional firms, and they w
Beyond the specific information given above, you have the ability to fill in the gaps with assumptions or additional
reach out to your instructor for guidance, and use the milestone assignments to ensure that you are completing yo
the best hardware, software, networking, and information security options for addressing your client’s business ne
section, list and describe all of the business needs that you have been able to determine given the information in
detail to fully support the rest of yourreport.II.HardwareComponentsA.Examine the business’s issues to determine
the various options for meeting the requirements. Be sure to cite specific evidence from the component specificat
Howdotheycompareintermsofcost andmaintainability?C.Composeafinallistdetailingallofyourspecifichardwarerecom
the businessrequirements.III.SoftwareApplicationsA.Examinethebusiness’sissuestodeterminespecificsoftwarerequ
possible options within each category, being sure to cite specific examples whereverappropriate.B.Then, compare
evaluation. What are their functionalstrengthsandweaknesses?Howdotheycompareintermsofcost,vendorcredibility
Which type of network connection ispreferable?
C.Make final recommendations for network solutions based on your evaluation of the options. Be sure to logically
businessrequirements.V.Maintenance andSecurityA.Interpret the business’s needs to determine specific informat
information should be backedup?B.Then, compare and contrast the options for managing user access to compan
supports your conclusions. Is there a need to have password setups for files? What type of naming conventionssh
Shouldeveryonehavereadaccess to allfiles?C.Finally, compare and contrast the options for backing up and storing
Imaginethatyourclientmayneedtoaddanewbranchorotherwisescaleupherbusiness.Howwouldthatchangeyour ha

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