Balanced Scorecard Analysis-FEDEX
You will apply the balanced scorecard (BSC) is a strategic planning and management tool to align business activities to the vision and strategy of your organization. The BSC is used extensively in business and industry, government, and nonprofit organizations worldwide to improve internal and external communications, and monitor organization performance against strategic goals.
There are four scorecard factors: financial results, customers, human resources, and sustainability. For every scorecard factor you will provide the following:
What is the Critical Success Factor (This is the company’s goals in this area)
What is the rationale? (This is why success is important)
What are the Key Performance Indicators? (These are the metrics used to measure success)
Who is responsible? (This is the responsible functional position title in the organization)
I suggest for you to answer the questions by first stating the question and then completing it with your analysis content. For example:
Financial Results Section:
The critical success factor for my organization in the financial area is…
The rationale for this critical success factor is …
The key performance indicators to measure success of the key success factors are…
The V.P. Finance is responsible for…
Apply the Balanced Scorecard analysis for your organization including descriptive text addressing each BSC factor analysis as outlined:
Financial Results
Success factors
Key Performance Indicators
Responsible Entity
Success factors
Key Performance Indicators
Responsible Entity
Human Resources
Success factors
Key Performance Indicators
Responsible Entity
Success factors
Key Performance Indicators
Responsible Entity
You can also copy/paste, and complete the chart below:
For-Profit OrganizationFinancial ResultsCustomersHuman ResourcesSustainabilityCritical Success Factor Rationale Key Performance Indicator Who is Responsible