Aviation human factor

1) you are required to think of a job at the aviation environment, for example airport. your job must be selected carefully as you need to rely on the ob for the next tasks. you need to choose a very good ob that can help you completing the assignment. you need to explain what job you have selected and why.
2) now you are required to think of human factor topics that are relevant to your job and topics which are not relevant. although you are encouraged to think about topics by your self as a start, but then you need to open a book called (Human Being Pilot) Human factors for aviation professionals, by David Robson. you need to use the book table of content to decide what topics are relevant and eliminate those which are not. you need to list them and give a very well though of reason to support your choice.
3)now you need to create syllables that fit the selected topics.
4) now create learning outcomes that you think are required to be achieved during the teaching. 5) no references are required. however, this makes it very critical to have no plagiarism or copying materials directly as this will be deducted by turn it in.
6) use bullet points for the whole parts.
7) avoid complex language, use very clear and simple language.
8) do not exceed 500 words.
9) as you see, the word limit is too low, this makes it clear that the prof wants some very valuable arguments and thoughts to get the marks.

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