Assignment 2;Entrepreneurship in Hospitality and Tourism

Assignment 2;Entrepreneurship in Hospitality and Tourism

Working indiwdually, prepare an outline Initial fe Sibility studyfor setting up a small
leisure actiwty’operation Within th%&?l%r Site / glugilgjgwen to you by your seminar
tutor. The busmess Idea should I fl fito a clearly Pet rket opportunity Within the
specified location, but it may also serve local residents as a supplementary market-
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It may be a service that fip‘j‘eé’ié’io a general visitor market (eg ay trippers, sigh s ers)
or to specific groups (eg overseas students studying nearby) or to specific interests (eg
a type of activity service).
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Produce a report of your findings, followmg the co v tions of an outline feaSIbility
report that would be required by any potential eggnal investor in the business.
It is expected that some field-based research should be undertaken as part of your
study. Observmrm Wan/rem faéflr‘am‘r‘
The report must include a Wt to say that this work is original, is the students’
own work and has not been previously submitted for an award/qualification.
Your report should include:

an introduction, including the objectives and/or terms of reference of the study, a brief
description of the idea and other basic details of the proposal that provide ‘headline’
justifications for a potential investor;

A “‘e“ -»C key people in the venture – their roles, skills and attributes as related to the type of
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0 t lUSPS of the idea and the market gap it is aiming to exploit;

the proposed aims and objectives of the business (ie what you are setting out to do in
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0 the businessarifod‘gl an key o’fperatioha’l features of the proposed service / product;

0 the target market(s), including customer segments and characteristics;

0 an external environmental analysis of the market that your proposed business is in
(including competition, market performance/growth trends, economic factors…);

Entrepreneurship in Hospitality& Tourism 2014-15 PC I 3 “‘WC‘ZS ‘ 19

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