Aspects of Discrimination in Business

The scope of protection across the different strands of discrimination, there is no doubt that a hierarchy of protected characteristics has emerged.’ Critically consider this statement. The Equality Act 2010 protects against discrimination based on; 1. Age 2. Disability 3. Gender re-assignment 4. Marriage and civil partnership 5. Pregnancy and maternity 6. Race 7. Religion or belief 8. Sex 9. Sexual orientation some considerations for sources Hepple, Bob, Equality: The Legal Framework (Hart, 2014) 2nd ed., ch 2 Sargeant, Malcolm, Discrimination and the Law (Routledge, 2017) 2nd ed., relevant pages Taylor, Stephen and Astra Emir, Employment Law: An Introduction (OUP, 2019) 5th ed., relevant pages Bengtsson, L., ‘Addressing age stereotyping against older workers in employment: the CJEU and UK approach’ (2020) 62(1) International Journal of Law and Management 67 Monaghan, C., ‘Justifying Direct Age Discrimination: When Will a Mandatory Retirement Age Not Amount to Direct Age Discrimination? Seldon v Clarkson Wright and Jakes’ (2012) 6 Journal of Business Law 479 Sargeant ‘M., ‘Young Workers and Age Discrimination’ (2010) 26(4) International Journal of Comparitive Labour Law and Industrial Relations 467 Sargeant M., ‘The Default Retirement Age: Legitimate Aims and Disproportionate Means’ (2010) 39 Industrial Law Jo​‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‌‌‌‍​urnal 244 Petts, J., ‘Prognosis for Disability Discrimination Following McDougall’ (2008) 37(3) Industrial Law Journal 268’ (2019) 48(4) ILJ 487 Saunders, H, ‘The invisible law of visible difference: disfigurement in the workplace’ (2019) 48(4) ILJ 487 Honeyball, S., ‘Pregnancy and Sex Discrimination’ (2000) 29(1) ILJ 43 Jones, T., ‘The Race Directive: Redefining Protection from Discrimination in EU Law’ [2003] 1 European Human Rights Law Review 515 Lewis, J., ‘Discriminating Against a Discriminator’ (2006) 65(3) Cambridge Law Journal 508 MacEwen, M., ‘Racial Grounds: A Definition of Identity’ (1998) 3(1) International Journal of Discrimination and Law 51 McInerney, S., ‘Legal Protection Against Discrimination Based on Racial and Ethnic Origin Under European Union Law – Necessary but not Sufficient?’ (2003) 6(1) International of Discrimination and Law 3 Sandberg R., ‘Religious Exemptions in Discrimination Law’ (2007) 66(2) Cambridge Law Journal 302 Vickers, L., ‘Religious Discrimination in the Workplace: an Emerging Hierarchy?’ (2010) 12(3) Ecclesiastical Law Journal 280 Dawson, G. A., ‘ Sexual Orientation Discrimination’ (2005) 24(3/4) Equal Opportunities International 46 • Lee v Ashers Baking [2018] UKSC 49, [2020] AC 413 • Holland v Angel Supermarket (2013) ET Case No. 3301005/13 Taiwo v Olaigbe; Onu v Akwiwu [2016] UKSC 31, [2016] 1 WLR 2653 • Paterson v Commissioner of Police of the Metropolis [2007] ICR 1522 • Walker v Sita Information​‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‌‌‌‍​ Networking Computing Ltd. [2013] EQ LR 476

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