Article Review: Creativity in Teams
Article Review: Creativity in Teams
Paper details:
we focus on the subject of culture as it applies to the organizational itself and the team within the organization. We examine the impact that culture has on team people and their performance. We also study the topic of virtual teams and examine the challenges of leading and being part of such team
West has presented a comprehensive and useful perspective on innovation
in teams. He has been a pioneer in this area and has conducted a number
of compelling research projects. His integrative model nicely incorporates
the relevant findings from a broad range of studies on groups and teams.
The model provides a sound foundation for future research and cautious
practice. In this commentary I suggest some alternative perspectives and
hypotheses about innovation in groups. It is hoped that this will stimulate
further creativity and innovation in this newly developing domain of study.
In his paper West (this issue) makes two general proposals. One is that
creativity (idea generation) takes place largely in the earlier phases of the
innovation process while the implementation of the innovation generally
occurs later. This of course makes a lot of sense since there is not much to
implement if one does not have some good ideas. The other major proposal
is that external demands and uncertainty may inhibit creativity but can
enhance innovation. West provides some reasonable support for this sup-
position. Certainly, much work suggests that external pressures or demands
may decrease the intrinsic motivation that may be critical for creativity or
generation of ideas (Amabile, 1996). That external demands or uncertainty
should facilitate innovation (or implementation of ideas) is consistent with
the common saying “necessity is the mother of invention” derived from
Plato (1966). West makes a compelling argument that with high external
demands and uncertainty it will be easier to overcome the many factors of
resistance to change in organisations or groups. The model presented of the
factors that influence creativity and innovation is a useful guideline for both
practitioners and theoreticians and has some foundation in the relevant
literature on groups and teams. There is much that I admire about the paper
and the proposed model. However, in the spirit of creativity I will focus this
* Address for correspondence: Department of Psychology, Box 19528, University of Texas
at Arlington, Arlington, TX 76019, USA. Email: [email protected]
© International Association for Applied Psychology, 2002.
paper on some areas of disagreement in the hope that this will stimulate
more innovation than a focus on areas of agreement.
The idea generation/implementation sequence discussed by West is likely
to be a fairly dominant one. For example, in experimental and organised
innovation, groups or teams typically come together to generate solutions
and then are asked to implement them. However, in more naturalistic situ-
ations the process may be fairly recursive, with a continual cycle of genera-
tion and implementation. Often it may be problems in the implementation
stage that provide the stimulus for the generation of some new or better
solutions. Does the sequence actually make a difference? There are some
reasons to think that it may.
First, it is often suggested that idea generation should occur in a noneval-
uative context (Osborn, 1957), whereas implementation inevitably involves
evaluation of alternatives. So these phases should be separated. Moreover,
if an implementation/decision phase precedes the creativity phase, the
evaluative perspective of the implementation session may carry over. That is,
if a group has discovered that a particular idea does not work, it has an
evaluative basis for looking for a new idea. It certainly should be different
from the solution that did not work. It may also be looking for the first
better idea that is worth a try. However, this evaluative focus may hinder
the extent to which the group engages in divergent thinking. Presumably, the
more new ideas one generates the better (Osborn, 1957), and in fact more
ideas lead to an increased number of better ideas (Diehl & Stroebe, 1987).
So the sequence of generation/implementation outlined by West may in
fact be the optimal one. However, this may be difficult to structure in the
typical work life of teams. It may be necessary for teams to take periodic
retreats where they brainstorm ideas independent of the needs suggested by
various implementation problems. It may also be important to take breaks
in the generation/implementation process. It may take some time to fully
process all of the ideas exchanged (Csikszentmihalyi & Sawyer, 1995; Paulus,
Larey, & Dzindolet, 2001). These breaks are typically a natural process in
the types of teams studied by West and his colleagues in which idea gener-
ation takes place over a series of sessions. However, in orchestrated sessions
where an implementation phase follows closely upon the ideation phase,
such an incubation process may not be fostered.
An alternative perspective is that generation sessions that follow failed
efforts at implementation may be optimal. A failure experience may make
evident the need for a reassessment and may provide added motivation for
the creation of new ideas. Some of the writing on creativity has emphasised
the need for “unfreezing” from dominant or old perspectives (Ward, Smith,
& Finke, 1999).
The focus of the article is on group level processes. Yet there are many
other scenarios for the innovation process. Much creativity and innovation
© International Association for Applied Psychology, 2002.
in organisations occurs at the level of individuals. That is, a solitary indi-
vidual may be assigned to come up with solutions to a problem. These
solutions may then be presented to a supervisor who can select one of them
to implement. Alternatively, the ideas generated by an individual may be
evaluated by a management team or ideas generated by a team may be
evaluated and implemented by a supervisor. Unfortunately, we do not know
which of these various sequences is optimal. Much of the groups literature
suggests that ideas should be generated by individuals working in isolation
and these ideas should then be evaluated by a group for implementation
(Larey & Paulus, 1999). It might be best if the implementation group did
not include any of the idea generators so as to limit biases in favor of self-
generated ideas. Alternatively, a benefit of individuals making decisions on
ideas they have generated is that there may be an increased commitment
to the implementation of the ideas. This represents the most participatory
approach in which individuals are given a choice about implementation of
their own ideas. This may heighten morale and motivation.
Although there may be much to recommend the procedure of individual
generation and group evaluation, the research basis for it is actually still a
bit weak. Recent evidence suggests that idea generation in groups can be quite
effective under certain conditions (writing, computer exchange, facilitators;
Paulus, Dugosh, Dzindolet, Coskun, & Putman, in press), so it may not be
necessary to have solitary idea generation sessions. Futhermore, research
thus far is not clear on the effectiveness of groups in selecting the optimal
solution (Kerr, MacCoun, & Kramer, 1996). Much literature has focused
on the premature consensus or groupthink process (Janis & Mann, 1977;
Paulus, 1998). Groups that are under pressure often make decisions without
careful evaluation of all alternatives. Similarly, groups tend not to share
fully the information available in the decision making or implementation
phase (Stasser, 1999). So one could also make a reasonable case for a
procedure that involves group generation of ideas and individual selection
of the best ones by outside experts working independently.
West proposes that external demands and uncertainty are good for the
implementation stage because they provide extra motivation to overcome
the resistance and conflict that may be involved in implementing novel
procedures. Uncertainty, time constraints, competition, and environmental
challenges are cited as types of external demands that may provide such
motivation. It is recognised that too much demand may be counterpro-
ductive since this may induce a sense of helplessness. This rather positive
perspective on the benefits of external demands contrasts with evidence that
external threats may often inhibit group effectiveness (Turner & Horvitz,
2001). Turner and Horvitz define threat as “an external circumstance that
involves potential loss for the group” (p. 446). They cite uncertainty and
time pressures as examples, so one could consider their perspective quite
© International Association for Applied Psychology, 2002.
relevant to the external demands one of West. Turner and Horvitz (2001)
note that there is little evidence that moderate levels of external threat
enhance performance while too much threat is inhibitory. They do cite evid-
ence that threat can have both positive and negative effects on group
functioning, but the basis for the facilitative effects are often not clear. In
general, it appears that external demands or threats can take up valuable
attentional capacity which will hinder effective decision making. For
example, time pressure has been associated with both poorer judgment
(Kruglanksi & Freund, 1983) and reduced production of creative products
(Kelly & McGrath, 1985). External demands or threats can also be related
to more rigidity in group interaction and information processing (Staw,
Sandelands, & Dutton, 1981). The literature on groupthink also suggests
external pressure may lead to premature selection of nonoptimal solutions
(Paulus, 1998). Turner and Horvitz (2001) point out that groups may deal
with external threats by self-handicapping (setting up circumstances that
provide excuses for failure, Snyder, 1990) instead of increased motivation.
One important factor in the impact of external threat on group performance
and decision making may be the types of cues that are implicit in the threats
or demands (Turner & Horvitz, 2001). When the cues emphasise speed,
decision making may be superficial. When quality is emphasised, the groups
may be motivated to generate high quality solutions (Bartis, Szymanski, &
Harkins, 1988).
West cites evidence that team reflexivity (reflectiveness and adaptiveness)
and an appropriate set of knowledge, skills, and abilities will enhance team
performance and innovation. Yet it remains to be seen to what extent these
characteristics enable groups to overcome both the problems groups en-
counter in the generation phase and the implementation phase in comparison
to solitary generation and implementation conditions. It may be necessary
to provide clear guidelines and structure to enable the group to function
effectively under high demand conditions (Turner & Horvitz, 2001).
Although external pressure and uncertainty are deemed to be inimical to
the creation of ideas, one could make the opposite prediction. It appears
that under certain conditions external pressures or rewards can combine
with intrinsic rewards to enhance creativity (Amabile, Hill, Hennessey, &
Tighe, 1994). In addition, much of the creativity literature suggests that high
standards or goals are important in motivating both individual and group
creativity (Ochse, 1990; Paulus & Dzindolet, 1993). Highly creative groups
and individuals are generally “driven” by both internal and external re-
wards. For example, most of us scholars are probably motivated both by our
intrinsic interest in our discipline and the external rewards (acclaim, raises,
grants) that result from success in our discipline.
The article points out that teams can be a basis for excellence or stagna-
tion. Much of the literature on teams has consisted of zealous support and
© International Association for Applied Psychology, 2002.
promotion of teamwork (Locke, Tirnauer, Roberson, Goldman, Latham, &
Weldon, 2001). Many organisations have jumped on the teamwork band-
wagon, and it can be said that teamwork certainly was the fad of the 1990s.
West points out the factors that will enhance teamwork in the innovative
domain. However, it should be clear that most of the research on teams has not
been particularly definitive about its utility (Locke et al., 2001; Paulus, 2000).
Teamwork implementation in organisations is typically accompanied by
changes in other factors such as management and compensation practices.
So it is often not clear to what extent team or group participation is respon-
sible for positive changes noted. Moreover, the costs of implementation and
training may outweigh the benefits. There is also a tendency for individuals
to have favorable perceptions about their effectiveness in groups that are not
consistent with actual performance (Paulus, 2000). Unfortunately, most studies
of teamwork have relied on subjective reports instead of objective perform-
ance data. Controlled research is required both in laboratory and field situa-
tions to test the types of ideas suggested by West and in this
for both subjective perceptions and objective measures of innovation.
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July 200251
000Original Article
Creativity and Innovation Implementation
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