Article Journal Analysis
Purpose: The readings and other audiovisual material play an important role in this class. They will constitute in fact the starting points of most of the discussions and activities we will have. For this reason, I acknowledge the work it takes to get ready for class by giving you credit for it. This allows for thoughtful and meaningful discussions.
Skills: The journal will help you to practice the following skills that are essential to your success in this course, in all the other classes requiring you to write on complex readings, and in professional life beyond school:
Learning how to summarize complex ideas.
Identifying the most important concepts and ideas presented.
Writing about the most important concepts and/or ideas of a text.
Learning how to cite and refer appropriately using Chicago Style, author-date format.
Task: Here is what you need to write:
Write, in your own words, a 500-word text summarizing what you read, watched, and/or listened to. Note that this is not the place to say what you think about the ideas studied, just summarize them.
Attempt to identify the reading’s main concepts and ideas; you must start your entry with this.
Answer all the questions provided to you each week (please, follow the numbering used – no need to copy the questions). You will find them at the end of these instructions.
Finish with one or two reflexive sentences expressing your thoughts on what you just summarized.
The journal entries need to be written with care and respect the presentation policy.
Note that you will earn a 0 on any entry posted late.
Questions to address in this week journal entry (in addition to your summary of the material):
1) What was your knowledge of the historical moment of droping two atomic bombs on Japan at the end of World War II? What is your take on this decision?
2) Name one thing that your learned from the presentation on the Israelo-Palestinan conflict, and why is it important.
3) Discuss one of the issues related to the decision to invade Iraq in 2003.
4) Do you think there are any reasons that can justify the use of torture? Explain.