Article 15 of the European Convention on Human Rights: Balancing Rights and Emergency Measures

Beginning on page 255 of the textbook Due Process and International Terrorism by Roza Pati, locate and provide a synopsized definition and explanation of what Article 15 of the European Convention on Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms is and addresses.
Provide your opinion as to whether or not you feel Article 15 adequately addresses and assists in protecting the derogation of due process and Human Rights during times of crisis and declared emergency.
Provide your opinion as to how you feel as to whether or not this article adequately assists in the protection of the derogation of Human Rights in due process.

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Article 15 of the European Convention on Human Rights: Balancing Rights and Emergency Measures

In the text Due Process and International Terrorism by Roza Pati, Article 15 of the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) is a crucial provision that addresses the issue of derogation from certain rights in times of emergency.

Definition and Explanation of Article 15


Article 15 of the ECHR allows member states to derogate from certain rights guaranteed under the Convention in times of public emergency threatening the life of the nation. This provision acknowledges that in exceptional circumstances such as war or other crises, states may need to take measures that temporarily limit individual rights to ensure public safety and order.

Opinion on Adequacy

While Article 15 provides a legal framework for balancing rights with emergency measures, its adequacy in protecting due process and human rights during crises is a subject of debate. On one hand, the provision acknowledges the reality that states may need to take extraordinary steps in emergencies. However, there are concerns about potential abuse or misuse of this provision by states to unduly restrict fundamental rights beyond what is necessary.

Opinion on Protection of Human Rights

In terms of protecting the derogation of human rights in due process, Article 15 serves as a double-edged sword. It recognizes the need for flexibility in responding to emergencies while setting clear limits on the extent to which rights can be restricted. However, the effectiveness of Article 15 ultimately depends on the adherence of states to the principles of proportionality, necessity, and non-discrimination when derogating from rights.


In conclusion, Article 15 of the ECHR plays a critical role in balancing the preservation of human rights with the exigencies of crisis situations. While it provides a mechanism for states to derogate from certain rights, its effectiveness in safeguarding due process and human rights hinges on transparent governance, judicial oversight, and respect for democratic values. Striking the right balance between emergency powers and individual rights remains a complex challenge that requires ongoing scrutiny and vigilance to prevent abuses and ensure the protection of fundamental freedoms.



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