art history
art history
Order Description
Compare and contrast ONE of the following pairs of Paintings / Sculptures:
GRANACCI WORKSHOP, Saint John the Baptist Bearing Witness, circa 1510, ITALIAN RENAISSANCE (1970.134.2 ), second floor, European Paintings Galleries
Adriaen BROUWER, The Smokers, ca. 1636, FLEMISH BAROQUE
Oil on wood
Metropolitan Museum of Art [museum number: 1931 (32.100.21) second floor, European Paintings Galleries.
Write a comparative essay on the two works in the pair you select. How the works are alike if at all, how are they different, and how do they reflect the cultures from which they emerged? The paper is worth up to 30 points.
Consider: subject, style, cultural or geographical context, composition, text on which a painting is based if any, use of color, modeling, light, space, setting, figures shown (pose, proportion, anatomy, emotions), medium, treatment of brushwork, patronage, condition of the painting, and any other relevant matter. Use terminology from your class notes or from the glossary of your textbook when possible.
Consider: subject, style, cultural or geographical context, composition, text on which a sculpture is based if any, positive and negative space, setting, figures shown (pose, proportion, anatomy, emotions), medium [exact materials], treatment of surface, color, patronage, condition of the sculpture, ideal vantage point or points for viewer, and any other relevant matter. Use terminology from your class notes or from the glossary of your textbook when possible.
This paper should be 1000-1200 words in length. It should be typed on white bond paper. There should be an attached bibliography of any books which you consulted in writing this paper. If you borrow ideas from others, you must footnote your source, even if you do not actually quote others. If you fail to give another person credit, you are guilty of intellectual theft, otherwise known as plagiarism. You are urged to include ONE idea or QUOTATION from a book in your paper; you must foot note such a reference accurately.
For the best results, study the paintings/sculptures in person, taking detailed “field notes.” When dealing with a work whose period has not yet been discussed in class, feel free to read ahead in the textbook on the style in question. Hopefully you will then go to Pratt Library or the ground floor library at the Met and read something in a book about your selected topic. You are encouraged to even choose something from a book to quote in your paper. Then write a formal paper based on your observations and the quotable text that you read in the library.
Feel free to go to the writing center at Pratt for help in polishing the final draft of your paper.