Aristotle’s Laws

1) Identify the problem with the following statement. Does it violate any of Aristotle’s Laws of Thought? Explain
“I’m not saying that teachers shouldn’t be legally permitted to go on strike. But education is so vital to the economy and to the nation, and when
teachers go on strike it causes so much inconvenience and harm to both students and parents. So therefore, I think the government ought to enact
legislation banning all teacher strikes.”
2) Identify the problem with the following statement. Does it violate any of Aristotle’s Laws of Thought? Explain
“Some people argue that Trump really got more votes than Biden and that the results of the election were completely fake. Other people argue that
Biden legitimately got more votes than Trump. I don’t think either side is correct. It’s all subjective man, it’s just like whatever people want to believe
3) Consider the following statement. Is what is described here logically possible? Physically possible? Technologically possible? Explain and answer
for all three types of possibility.
“My cousin told me that he was taken aboard an alien spaceship 10 years ago. The aliens flew him to the other side of the galaxy, and showed him
their home world, and then transported him back to Earth, all in the same night! Isn’t that amazing?”
4) Consider the following statement. Is what is described here logically possible? Physically possible? Technologically possible? Explain and answer
for all three types of possibility.
“Why am I wearing this tinfoil hat? Because of the government!! They have mind reading devices that can scan the brains of anyone on the planet to
learn their deepest secrets. This hat is the only way to stop them. You should get one!”
5) Consider the following statement. Is what is described here logically possible? Physically possible? Explain and answer for both types of

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