Applying Theory to Crime Scenarios
Pick one of the Case Studies or Applying Theory to Crime Scenarios Presented in Chapters 10 & 13 of the
Shram and Tibbetts textbook listed below and respond to the question(s) located at the end of the case
study/Applying Theory to Crime Scenario. In answering the questions, be sure to justify your response by
referencing the assigned readings and materials from the module.
Case Study – The Bogles (Chapter 10, page 231)
Applying Theory to Crime: Murder (Chapter 10, pages 240-241)
Case Study – The Teen Burglar (Chapter 13, page 329)
Applying Theory to Crime: Arson (Chapter 13, page 338)
Include Name of Case Study/Applying Theory to Crime Scenario and page number
Include Questions presented in Case Study/Applying Theory to Crime Scenario
Has a clearly delineated and marked response for each question
Microsoft word .doc or .docx document
include proper in text and references in APA style (only if references are needed).
book: Introduction to Criminology Interactive eBook
Pamela J. Schram, Stephen G. Tibbetts