Applied Animal Nutrition

  1. A Soybean meal sample was analyzed to contain 48 % crude protein on a dry matter basis. The soybean meal contains 12 % moisture. Calculate the crude protein content on an as fed basis.
    Crude protein= 48%
    Moisture= 12%, % DM (as fed) = 88%
    Nutrient (as fed) / % DM (as fed) = Nutrient (DM basis) / 100% DM
    Nutrient (as fed) = Nutrient (DM basis) * % DM (as fed) / 100% DM
    Nutrient (as fed) = 48% * 88% / 100%
    Nutrient (as fed) = 42.24% crude protein content on an as fed basis.
  2. Corn silage contains 64 % moisture and 23 % NDF on an as fed basis. Calculate the % NDF on a dry matter basis.
    Moisture= 64%, % DM (as fed) = 36%
    % NDF (as fed) = 23%
    Nutrient (as fed) / % DM (as fed) = Nutrient (DM basis) / 100% DM
    % NDF (DM basis) = Nutrient (as fed) * 100% DM / % DM (as fed)
    % NDF (DM basis) = 23% * 100% / 36% = 63.89%
  3. A 680 kg cow will consume 3.2 % of her body weight of TMR on a dry matter basis. If the TMR contains 85 % dry matter, calculate the amount on an as fed basis.
    First, we have to calculate how mush the cow ate:
    680 Kg * 3.2% = 21.76 kg TMR dry matter.
    Dry matter of the TMR= 100% – 85% = 15% dry matter.
    21.76 kg dry matter * (100 kg as fed / 15 kg dry matter) = 145.067 kg TMR as fed.
  4. A dairy cow consumes on average 28 kg of corn silage a day as fed. The corn silage contains 34 % dry matter and has a digestible energy content of 7.2 Kcal/kg on a dry matter basis. Calculate the amount of corn silage the dairy cow is consuming on a dry matter basis. Calculate the amount of energy she is consuming on an as fed basis.
  5. Express the nutrient table below on a dry matter basis
    As fed:
    Feedstuff Dry Matter (%) Protein (%) Fat (%)
    Crab Meal 89 58 2.4
    Soybeans 88 49 32
    Haylage 65 8 5
    Herring Silage 23 12 9.2
  6. A 38 kg calf is bottle fed 5.5 liters of milk per day. The dry matter of milk is 12.8 % and as fed contains 4 % crude protein. Calculate the kg of dry matter the calf is receiving in a week. How many g’s of crude protein is the calf consuming per day as fed? The density of milk is 1.032 g/ml.
  7. A sample of hay was analyzed in the lab and found to contain 18 % crude protein and 16 % moisture on an as fed basis. Calculate the crude protein on a dry matter basis as well as on a hay equivalent basis
  8. The net energy requirement of a 750 kg mature cow is 22 Mcal per day as fed. How much TMR, on an as fed basis, would need to be consumed to meet the cow energy requirement. TMR was analyzed to contain 36 % dry matter with a net energy content of 2.06 Mcal/kg on a dry matter basis.
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