Application of tangents and normal in real life

There are many types of derivatives used in real life engineering situations but, the one I am going to talk about is tangents used in daily life. I specifically want to explain an example of a secant tangent line used in daily life for engineers. A secant line is a line that connects to two points on a circle. Astronauts use this to find things like the distance from the moon while it is orbiting to many different locations on earth. The formula used for this real life equation is y-b=(d-b)/(c-a). For example, if you are using this equation and are given the values (5-3)/(-2-1). Your equation of the secant line should look like so y-3=-2/3(x-1) then y=(-2/3)x+2/3+3 with the solution being y=(-2/3)x+11/3.
Application of tangents and normal in real life. Unacademy. (2022, April 19). Retrieved October 19, 2022, from life/#:~:text=of%20the%20tangent.-,For%20example%2C%20when%20a%20cycle%20travels%20down%20a%20road%2C%20that,and%20turned%20from%20another%20end

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