What it is:?
An annotated bibliography is a kind of bibliography designed for researchers.  Not only does it give the usual
bibliographic  information (author, title, publisher, date, etc.) you would find on a works­cited page or a bibliography at the end
of a professional article, it also gives information about the sources themselves.  It is especially useful for researchers because it
helps them decide whether a book or article will be worth finding and checking into before they have actually taken the trouble to
look for it.  You may have come across annotated bibliographies in your own library searches, and if you have ever found one
that addresses your topic, you know how useful it is.

Your Task:?
Write a brief annotated bibliography for ?
sources you have found for your Controversy Analysis and are pretty
sure you will use in your essay.  Each entry in the bibliography should include the following:

1. A correct citation for the entry using MLA format.  Refer to pages 479­523 in ?
Rules for Writers?
(“Documenting Sources in
MLA Style”) for help in determining the correct format for your sources.

2. A brief summary (no more than 2 or 3 sentences) of the contents of the source.  Be sure to say what kind of source it is (book,
article, film, web site, etc.).

3. A brief analysis of the source’s rhetorical situation (audience, purpose, context).  You should need no more than 2 to 5
sentences to do this.

4. A sentence or two explaining how you will use the source in your paper.

Each entry should begin with the citation. Keep the citation separate from the annotation itself by leaving two lines between the
citation and the first line of the annotation.  The annotation itself may be single­spaced, but the citation is double­spaced.  Use the
above order for the information in the annotation. Formatting is key in this assignment, so pay close attention to it. The following
is an example of an annotation taken from the ?
Purdue OWL?

Example Annotation:
Wallace, Kelly. “Bush Stands Pat on Stem Cell Policy Based on Prior Information.” ?
. 13 August 2001. 17 August 2001.
Note the annotation itself is single­spaced, while the citation is double­spaced. Using a variety of sources can help give you a
broader picture of what is being said about your topic. You may want to investigate how scholarly sources are treating this topic
differently than more popular sources. But again, if your assignment is to only use scholarly sources, then you will probably want
to avoid magazines and popular web sites. The bibliographic information above is proper MLA format (use whatever style is
appropriate in your field) and the annotations are in paragraph form. Note also that the entries are alphabetized by the first word
in the bibliographic entry. If you are writing an annotated bibliography with many sources, it may be helpful to divide the sources
into categories. For example, if putting together an extensive annotated bibliography for stem cell research, it might be best to
divide the sources into categories such as ethical concerns, scholarly analyses, and political ramifications.


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