Level 5


Assignment Title:                Statistical Report
Referred and Deferred

Word Count:                    2000 words ± 10%
Contribution to Overall Module Mark:     100%

Aim:    To produce a statistical report testing a number of hypotheses on a population of yellowhammers

Specific Tasks:
•    Use the data set in the Excel file (yellowhammers.xls) as the basis for your scientific report.
•    Provide a brief background/introduction about yellowhammer conservation.
•    Formulate and state clearly FOUR experimental hypotheses of your own choosing (with accompanying null hypotheses in each case), relating to the data set.
•    Identify appropriate statistical techniques in order to test your four hypotheses. You should use at least three different tests but may use the same test more than once if appropriate. You should justify why you have chosen the particular test in each case and include a brief discussion of any assumptions or limitations of your tests.
•    Undertake the analyses using MINITAB and present the findings using appropriate text and accompanying figures.
•    Interpret the findings and discuss in context with other studies.
•    Comment on the limitations of the study, including the experimental design, and make suggestions for how the investigation could have been improved i.e. is there any information missing that would have improved the strength of your analyses? Are you able to recommend a variation of the experimental design that could have provided more reliable/accurate data?

Sources of Information:
•    Lecture notes and consultation with subject area staff
•    Resource list
•    Library resources (see reading list on module pack)
•    Help section on MINITAB

Assessment Weighting:
1.    Introduction
Include background, aims of study and 4 hypotheses    10%
2.    Methods
Describe the methods undertaken to analyse the data, including correct choice of statistical tests. Section to include understanding of assumptions and limitations for each test    20%
3.    Results
Present findings from data analysis with correct use and interpretation of MINITAB (printout to be included in Appendix), using text and accompanying figures    40%
4.    Discussion
Evaluation of findings, set in context to other related studies. Section to include limitations/suggestions for improvement of the study, recommendations for further research and a conclusion that highlights the importance of your findings    20%
5.    Presentation
Include contents page, numbered sections, numbered figures and tables, references, etc.    10%
TOTAL    100%

Module Outcomes Addressed:
•    Plan scientific research trials
•    Select appropriate statistical analysis for the data
•    Use statistical packages to evaluate data
•    Produce scientific reports
•    Handle and interpret data
•    Analyse and evaluate the evidence

Links to Course Outcomes:

Design and undertake survey work of wildlife and use research methods in a range of applications.
•    Demonstrate a range of key transferable skills such as the ability to express themselves with confidence, both orally and in writing; good visual presentational skills; good analytical and problem-solving skills.
•    Demonstrate the capacity for independent critical thought, rational inquiry and self-directed learning.
•    Demonstrate the skills and confidence to make an effective contribution to their chosen career by planning work and using time effectively and the ability to work collaboratively in teams.

Specific Penalties
•    assessments that are submitted up to five working days after the submission deadline will be entitled to a maximum grade of a low third;
•    assessments that are submitted more than five working days after the submission deadline will be awarded a zero grade;
•    the submission deadline relates to both the submission of a paper copy and the submission of an electronic copy of the assessment;
•    extensions to the submission deadline may only be approved via the NEC process;
•    any work included beyond the word limit will not be graded.
Experimental Design and Data Analysis      Statistical Report
Module learning outcomes assessed:
•    Plan scientific research trials
•    Select appropriate statistical analysis for the data
•    Use statistical packages to evaluate data
•    Produce scientific reports
•    Handle and interpret data
•    Analyse and evaluate the evidence
NB: Final grade determined by how well the criteria have been met overall and not the sum of the individual aspects of the work.
Assessment Criteria    Fail
Low | Mid
Marginal Fail    Third
Low | Mid | High

Lower Second
Low |  Mid | High    Upper Second
Low | Mid |High
Low | Mid | High

Exceptional First

Brief background and aims of study

Development of 4 hypotheses
Background and aims are missing, incomplete or inappropriate.

Hypotheses are missing, incomplete or inappropriate.
Inadequate background and aims.

Hypotheses confused and unclear.
Adequate background and aims.

Hypotheses attempted but lacking key detail.
Good background and aims.

Good attempt at hypotheses but some information could be improved.
Very good background and aims.

Very good hypotheses.
Excellent background and aims, providing a rationale and setting the study in context.

Excellent hypotheses.
Exceptional background and study aims of publishable standard.

Exemplary hypotheses.
2. Methods
Choice and justification of data analysis methods
Unclear what method of analysis has been adopted as data presented without explanation.
Inadequate evidence of method of analysis chosen. Needs to explain approach adopted and justify test(s) chosen.
Adequate evidence of appropriate selection of method of analysis but with no justification for use.
Good evidence of appropriate selection but with limited justification of analysis method(s) adopted – no recognition that alternatives may exist.
Very good evidence of appropriate selection and justification of method(s) of analysis employed.
Excellent evidence of appropriate selection and justification of method(s) of analysis. Challenges the standard methods or strongly justifies their use.
Exceptional evidence of extensive and appropriate selection and justification of analysis method(s) worthy of a professional researcher.
3. Results
Data analysis, interpretation of findings and accompanying figures.

Analysis/ interpretation /figures often missing.
Insufficient analysis and interpretation of findings. Figures often missing or inappropriate.
Adequate analysis, and interpretation/ presentation of findings.
Good analysis, and interpretation/ presentation of findings. Good attempt at presentation of written statistics and accompanying figures.
Very good analysis, and interpretation/ presentation of findings. Very good attempt at presentation of written statistics and accompanying figures, showing attention to detail.
Excellent analysis, and interpretation/ presentation of findings. Excellent presentation of written statistics and accompanying figures, showing excellent attention to detail.
Exceptional analysis, and interpretation/ presentation of findings. Exceptional presentation of written statistics and accompanying figures, showing attention to detail worthy of a professional researcher.
4. Discussion
Evaluation of findings including limitations of the study (including experimental design), recommendations derived from research and conclusion.
Inadequate evaluation presented with very few, if any, limitations/ recommendations/ conclusions offered.
Insufficient evaluation presented with limitations/ recommendations/ conclusions that do not always appear to relate directly to the research.
Adequate demonstration of evaluative skills but limitations/ recommendations/ conclusions not always justified or are not all derived logically from research.
Good demonstration of evaluative skills but limitations/ recommendations/ conclusions could have been justified more fully and more clearly derived from research.
Very good demonstration of evaluative skills but limitations/ recommendations/ conclusions could have been justified more fully.
Excellent demonstration of evaluative skills in arriving at fully reasoned and justified limitations/ recommendations/ conclusions based on research undertaken.
Exceptional demonstration of evaluative skills in arriving at fully reasoned and justified limitations/ recommendations/ conclusions based on the research undertaken and  worthy of publication.
5. Presentation
English – style, grammar, spelling, structure

Formatting – font, sizing of figures and tables, numbering system

Referencing – using Harvard referencing system and scientific references
Inability to create sentences – points rather than phrases

Largely incomplete

No evidence of any attempt to reference work properly or at all.
Difficult to follow and understand.

Key aspects missing

Inaccurate referencing and no consistent format adopted. Reliance on citations from unscientific sources.
Basic writing style with some evidence of structure.

Formatting attempted but many errors

Referencing not compliant with Harvard conventions, some missed or inaccurate. Tendency to rely on citations from unscientific sources.
Good writing style with clear structure.

Good formatting with a few errors

Some minor errors in referencing and not fully compliant with Harvard conventions. Includes some citations from unscientific sources.
Very good writing style with clear, logical structure

Very good formatting with minor errors

Very good use of Harvard referencing system and citations from scientific sources..
Excellent professional style, well written with excellent structure

Excellent formatting but requires additional work to achieve publication standard

Near faultless use of Harvard referencing system and citations from scientific sources.
Exemplary professional, extremely well written and structured.

Exemplary formatting to publishable standard.

Impeccable use of Harvard referencing system and citations from scientific sources. Very close to publishable standard.

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