Ancien régime

Ancien régime – what were its strengths and weaknesses?

Ideas of progress & their influence on both philosophers and politicians in the

eighteenth century

The Enlightenment and its effects on politics, culture, religion

Individual philosophes and their long term significance

Were the Enlightened Despots enlightened?

French Revolution – causes, success or failure, long-term effects

Social conditions – how do these change over the three centuries, the family, gender?

Napoleon and his influence on France/Europe

Congress system – success or failure

Industrial Revolution & rise of capitalism – results good or bad, short term, long term?

Liberalism – explain its appeal to the 19



Nationalism – either as general topic in Europe or as specific to one

country. Revolutions of 19


c: 1830, 1848, 1871 – comparisons, causes,

successes? Britain – explanation of peaceful growth of democratic

government Unification of Germany – why, how, successful or not?

Unification of Italy – why, how, successful or not?

Comparison of causes & methods of unifications of Germany & Italy.

Why was Russian society so backward compared to the rest of Europe in 19


century? Imperialism – causes, effects on Europe as well as on colony?

Socialism, Marxism & their effects on European society & politics

England: does it differ from continental states? If so, why?

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