Analyzing Payoff Matrix and Dominant Strategy in the Search Engine Industry Game

Google and Yahoo! are two large search engine companies. Combined, these companies control a large market share in the search engine industry. Both companies currently advertise their search engines on television, and each company earns a profit of $550 million. If both companies were to stop advertising on television, each would earn a profit of $600 million. If only one company were to stop advertising on television and the other company continued to do so, the company that stopped advertising would earn a profit of $200 million and the company that continued to advertise would earn a profit of $800 million. Assume this is a simultaneous-move game where Google and Yahoo! choose to advertise or choose not to advertise, and Google and Yahoo! cannot collude.

a. What is a payoff matrix? Explain this concept in your own words and explain why it is used in game theory.

b. Does Google have a dominant strategy? If so, how did you find this strategy? (In other words, write a short description about your process of verifying this dominant strategy). In your response be sure to define a dominant strategy in your own words.

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Title: Analyzing Payoff Matrix and Dominant Strategy in the Search Engine Industry Game


In the realm of game theory, analyzing strategic interactions between players is essential to understand decision-making processes. In this essay, we will delve into the concept of payoff matrix and dominant strategy using the example of Google and Yahoo! in the search engine industry.

Payoff Matrix

A payoff matrix is a grid that shows the possible outcomes or payoffs for each player in a game based on the choices they make. In simple terms, it outlines the rewards or gains associated with different strategies chosen by each player. Payoff matrices are used in game theory to map out all possible combinations of decisions and their corresponding outcomes to help players make rational choices.

Google’s Dominant Strategy

A dominant strategy is a strategy that yields the highest payoff for a player regardless of the choices made by other players. To determine if Google has a dominant strategy in this scenario, we need to evaluate Google’s payoffs when choosing to advertise or not advertise, considering Yahoo!’s potential actions.

In the given information:

– If both companies stop advertising, Google’s profit is $600 million.
– If only Google stops advertising while Yahoo! continues, Google’s profit is $200 million.
– If both companies advertise, Google’s profit is $550 million.
– If only Yahoo! stops advertising while Google continues, Google’s profit is $800 million.

By comparing Google’s profits under different scenarios, it becomes evident that Google’s dominant strategy is to continue advertising regardless of Yahoo!’s decision. This strategy ensures Google achieves the highest profit ($800 million) compared to any other possible scenario.


Understanding the concept of payoff matrix and dominant strategy provides valuable insights into strategic decision-making in competitive environments. By utilizing these tools, players like Google and Yahoo! can navigate complex scenarios and optimize their choices to achieve favorable outcomes. Game theory offers a robust framework for analyzing strategic interactions and predicting rational behaviors in various competitive settings.

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