Analyzing Payoff Matrix and Dominant Strategy in the Search Engine Industry Game
Google and Yahoo! are two large search engine companies. Combined, these companies control a large market share in the search engine industry. Both companies currently advertise their search engines on television, and each company earns a profit of $550 million. If both companies were to stop advertising on television, each would earn a profit of $600 million. If only one company were to stop advertising on television and the other company continued to do so, the company that stopped advertising would earn a profit of $200 million and the company that continued to advertise would earn a profit of $800 million. Assume this is a simultaneous-move game where Google and Yahoo! choose to advertise or choose not to advertise, and Google and Yahoo! cannot collude.
a. What is a payoff matrix? Explain this concept in your own words and explain why it is used in game theory.
b. Does Google have a dominant strategy? If so, how did you find this strategy? (In other words, write a short description about your process of verifying this dominant strategy). In your response be sure to define a dominant strategy in your own words.