Analyzing happyness


As everyone has different strengths and weaknesses, you can choose from a menu of options. The only restriction is that you cannot choose the same option more than twice. Each option is described in detail below, and you can decide which assignments you complete and the order in which you do them. Based on students’ performance in prior classes, I recommend that your first paper involve the 1st or 2nd options and you reserve the 4th option for your last paper, but you are not bound by my recommendation.

  1. TED (Technology, Entertainment and Design) talks: Watch three TED talks on a topic relevant to adjustment. Each TED talk can be on a different topic, or they can all center on the same one. (You may not choose a TED talk that we watch as part of class.) In order to find a relevant TED talk, you can search “psychology” or you can do a more focused search like “personality,” “prejudice,” “trauma,” “anxiety,” “burnout,” “self-care,” “self-esteem,” “love,” “relationships,” “stress,” etc. on this website: Write-up a summary of the TED talks and their relevance to the psychology of adjustment (consider both what we’ve discussed in class and what you’ve read for class). Discuss what new information you learned, what questions remain, and what criticism you have of the ideas put forth. Be sure to provide an APA style reference for each TED talk (see or
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