Analyzing Binomial Distribution

  1. Generate a sample from the calculator.
  2. Hit [prb]
  3. Go to RAND
  4. Pick option 2: randint(
  5. Enter in [1] [2nd] [ . ] 5
  6. Press enter to generate data.
  7. Record which attempt you are on and the value the calculator generated.
    i.e.: 1(first attempt): 3(what calculator generated)
  8. Keep pressing enter to generate more data. Record 100 values this way from the calculator.
  9. Analyzing Binomial Distribution
  10. Calculate the probability of getting a 3 in one attempt. Recall what numbers the calculator can generate.
  11. Calculate the expected value (mean of binomial) for the numbers 3’s we should expect to get:
  12. For a sample size of 50
  13. For a sample size of 100
  14. Calculate the standard deviation
  15. For sample size 50
  16. For sample size 100
  17. Calculate the interval of normal values (for getting a 3)
  18. For sample size 50
  19. For sample size 100
  20. Confidence Intervals (based on your sample)
    Create confidence intervals based on the different sample sizes and confidence levels based on the proportion of times you got 3’s in your sample.
  21. Confidence interval based on sample size 50, Confidence level 90%
  22. Confidence interval based on sample size 50, Confidence level 99%
  23. Confidence interval based on sample size 100, Confidence level 90%
  24. Confidence interval based on sample size 100, Confidence level 99%
  25. Making conclusions based on our analysis.
  26. Compare the two margin of errors for sample size of 50 with the two margin of errors for sample size 100.
    Restate the 2 margins of errors for sample size 50 and the two margins of errors for sample size 100.
  27. What did you notice about the of margins of errors as the sample size went up? Are the margins of errors for sample size 50 bigger or are the margins of errors for sample size 100 bigger?
  28. Which version is the better version? The ones margins of errors for sample size 50 or for sample size 100? Explain why it is better.
  29. Did the number of 3’s in your sample fall in the interval of normal values based on the binomial distribution? Restate the IoNV and the number of 3’s you had. Followed by – Yes\No
  30. For sample size 50
  31. For sample size 100
  32. Did each confidence interval do their job in containing the expected proportion (this is the probability of getting one 3 in one attempt that we calculated in part 1 of binomial distribution)?
    Restate each confidence interval along with what sample size and what confidence level was used. Followed by – Yes\No.
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