Analyzing a symphony
Choose 1 of 4 musical classics and write an essay on it.
A COMPARISON STUDY – things to consider… A full description of what you heard, comparing and
contrasting the 4 movements from the symphony you choose to analyze. A majority of the paper should be a
description of what you heard and a comparison of the similarities and differences between the movements of
the symphony you choose to analyze.
Use these five categories to compare the four movements of the symphony (one movement at a time):
Tonality – Major or minor tonality?
Tempo – fast, slow, moderate, gradually changing (Note: each movement is named a tempo marking)
Meter – duple, triple, or quadruple
Dynamics – loud, soft, gradually changing?
Articulation – accent, staccato, sforzando, tenuto, fermata, legato?
Background information that you find about the composer and the symphony you are analyzing on the Internet.
After you read information about the symphony, watch the performance (YouTube). Then write your analysis.
And don’t forget to cite your sources at the end of the comparison study.