Analyzing a project

For this assignment you will create your own research question framed around a piece of data you have selected. You will find or make a suitable piece of data, create an ELAN transcript and analyze the gesture and speech.

Find or create a suitable film to analyze. You will need to submit the mp4 file before the end of semester. You might find something from a TV show, YouTube channel or record someone using one of the methods in the course. Below are some ideas:
TED talks
Three Minute Thesis talks
Sports reporter interviews
Standup comedy

In the ELAN software, provide a transcription that is relevant to your research question. This should including a minimum of 3 tiers of relevant information, and transcribe at least 60 seconds worth of data. (worth 500 words)
In a separate written document, write a report based on your transcription. The written document should including the following information:
a. Introduction: Introduce the general topic, your specific focus and why it is worth studying.
b. Background literature: Cite at least five sources relevant to your topic, including at least one outside the reading for the class. Use this to introduce key terminology relevant to your analysis
c. Research question(s) to be addressed: Outline your research question, and how it relates to the background literature.
d. Video/data description: Describe the video (or other data) you are using. State clearly if you are only focusing on part of the film. Mention any limitations with the data.
e. Analysis methods: Clearly state what you are including in your transcription and why. Ensure you have clear definitions for features you are transcribing and annotating.
f. Results section: Discuss your findings in relation to the data, include time codes when talking about sections of the data. Ensure your discussion also mentions relevant literature.
g. Conclusion: Discuss overall success of your analysis, and any possible limitations or future directions.

Addition questions to answer for step 3.
What is the relationship between the spoken language and the gesture in this video?
What is the nature of the co-timing of the speech and gesture?
What challenges did you face in classifying these gestures?
What challenges did you face in analysing the movement features?
What does gesture contribute to the discourse content?
Did you observe any linguistic or cultural influence on the gestures used?

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