Analysis and response to communication chalenges outlined in case study
Analysis and response to communication chalenges outlined in case study
In this task, you will draw on your learning throughout the course to identify, analyse and respond to the communication challenges in a case study/ scenario that could potentially arise in an inclusive education or care environment. Your response to this assessment task should be no more than 1500 words.
You will be provided with a choice of three case studies; each of which will present a range of challenges for educators in relation to interpersonal communication for relationship-building and learning. You are required to select and respond to ONE of the case studies. The case studies are attached below. Your response should clearly indicate which of the case studies you have chosen with a title; for example: “Response to case study – Number 3 “Fear of difference.
Case Study 1 – Student Behaviour
Case Study 2 – Supervision before and after school
Your analysis and response to the case study you select includes three parts as outlined below:
Part 1: Identification of communication challenges
In this section you need to isolate and explain the challenges that the case presents for maintaining relationships with all stakeholders affected by the situation described. Consideration should be given to relationships between the teacher and the student/child who is central to the issue and his/her parents/carers. Other stakeholders may be relevant to the discussion and these should be identified and discussed as necessary. These stakeholders may include other students/children in the class group, school administration or colleagues e.g. the principal and other teachers; and external specialists or specialist support staff e.g. support teachers, medical specialists, etc. (Note that not all of these stakeholders will be relevant to every case study so you should focus on the facts presented in the example you choose.)
You should identify specific information from the case study that has informed your analysis of the communication challenges and explain how and why these factors may affect the teacher’s ability to establish or maintain positive relationships that support the child/student’s learning, behaviour and social needs in the educational setting.
Part 2: Consideration of culture and communication theory on selection of strategies
In this section, you need to discuss aspects of the theory covered in the course that are important considerations for negotiating a satisfactory outcome in the situation described while maintaining positive and respectful relationships with all stakeholders you identify in Part 1. This section will be an academic discussion supported by references.
You are expected to show knowledge and understanding of relevant theories which may include: transactional process models of communication; the impact of various types of noise associated with intercultural communication; the relevance of cultural literacy for effective interpersonal communication; relating styles and their impact on problem solving and conflict resolution; self-awareness as a fundamental aspect of effective interpersonal relationships, etc.
You are expected to use the readings covered throughout the course for this discussion (there is no need for independent research) and draw conclusionsabout the way this theory can be applied to guide selection of communication strategies that support learning and maintain productive relationships with all relevant stakeholders. It is like a mini review of the literature that can be used to justify the strategies you propose to resolve the conflict or problems presented in your chosen case study.
Part 3: Proposal and justification of strategies for responding to the case study
This section should provide a comprehensive description of the strategies that the teacher should use to communicate with stakeholders to support the student/ child’s learning, behaviour and/or social needs and effective participation or engagement in the learning environment.
Each of the strategies should be described in sufficient detail for a reader to visualise the interaction that would take place between the teacher and selected stakeholders (child or student and his/her parent/carer). Each strategy should be accompanied by a thorough explanation and justification of why the chosen strategies would be effective in the given situation. This will involve making links back to the theory outlined in Part 2 as justification and support from authoritative sources.
For example:This strategy was chosen to overcome the aggressive relating style evident in the parent’s initial engagement with the teacher. As Kossen, Kiernan and Lawrence (2013) explain aggressive relating styles are often characterised by a refusal to listen to opposing points of view so providing opportunities for the parents to air their grievances first allows the teacher an opportunity for uninterrupted communication of his/her concerns.
Criteria sheet for assessment task 2