American sanctions and Iranian options: responding to U.S. regimes (1995-2005)
American sanctions and Iranian options: responding to U.S. regimes (1995-2005)
Order Description
This paper concerns the economic (particularly trade) sanctions that the U.S. put on Iran in the specified time frame (1995-2005). The beginning of this time frame is
during the Clinton Administration.
To respond to these sanctions, Iran turned to Europe (the option it had) for trade because the U.S. cut all forms of trade with Iran.
The paper should argue how this option that Iran had (the option of having Europe for trade) was able to save Iran economy regardless of the U.S. sanctions. I would
like to have 2-4 arguments that support this stance.
Here are some resources I found that could help with the topic:
More details:
1. Please include in-text citations as much as possible; I would want the claims made and evidences to be supported by these in-text citations.
2. Try to include many examples/scenarios that backup the arguments: even one-liners as examples would suffice. But do include the in-text citation for them.
3. Try to not make arguments too broad and theoretical, as real-wrold/historical examples should directly relate to them.
Objectives of Introduction • Engage the reader • Arouse intellectual curiosity • Show writing skill • Set up the argument :, /110114’ai1/41 • Define your structure ‘
sec iials f p ,.,,,,J , /_.1. • State what you intend to do -, ‘nem icm CA./ H41 CAC-if sec 4cii 4;1 As 0 • State what you DON’T intend to dp . • Set Parameters –‘,
geOiot, /Pa x Hes C tilte,t;.04f • Explain theoretical approach
Introduction • State the issue you are looking to explain. • State what you hope to show in the course of your essay. • State why the topic is important and worth
examining. • State your theoretical approach. • State the debate in the literature.
Main Section • ANSWER THE QUESTION SET • Use Sub-Headings • Raise challenging questions -then answer • Challenge the existing literature • Make key points-back them up
• If you make broad assertions-back them up
Conclusion – Do-Not’s • Do not simply summarize what you have said • Do not make it too long • Do not raise any new themes/issues/points here • Do not repeat your
Conclusion – Do’s • Do state clearly what your findings are • Do state what the implications of your findings are • Do state why this matters • Do state where your
work fits into the existing literature • Do state the “lessons learned” the reader