American government

Read the book American Government e2 chapter 2&3 to write 2 essays to answer two questions.
Book link:
According to the text, how do you make an amendment to the Constitution? Do you agree with the level of difficulty it takes to amend? Why or why not? In your view, what is the most important amendment to the Constitution and why? Give examples.

Chapter 3 Question (minimum 250 words)

Pick a political issue that has federalism vs states rights as a controversy e.g. marijuana legalization, abortion, gay rights, immigration, etc. Do you think it’s best to decide these issues nationally/federally or state by state and why? What is one potential disadvantage of the answer you chose. Ex: if you chose to argue for national legalization of marijuana, what’s a potential problem with that? If you said marijuana should be legalized state by state, what’s a challenge with that?

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